This has really peed me off. I went to quote a really nice office out in the sticks yesterday to do their tiles. The office manager is in 2 minds as to have them cleaned or replaced.
I was borderline too, gave him the quote and am hoping to get the nod, but if I had seen this thread I would have been more confident about doing them. I have only ever HWE'd tiles and usually padded afterwards and never had a complaint. But no one has ever rung to say thanks they are brill!
I have to quote a busy Dr's surgery including reception, all tiles so you can imagine the state they are in. The contract cleaners do them with a 'walk behind thingy' so I will be up against them, I feel more confident about quoting rather than saying better get rid of them. I only have small TM and roto. So I will be doing what Ian suggests, UPR, scrub and rinse extract, and pad after.
I havent got rx20, nor would ever need one with my line of work but it just goes to show what you can acheive with the right kit.
Thats a stonking pic Simon, all you have to do is slide that in front of a building manager and the jobs yours I would think. 'Show us your dirtiest carpets and we can achieve miracles for you', you would save any building manager an absolute fortune.
Good thread this.