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  • Posts: 1942
Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« on: September 02, 2010, 09:43:19 pm »
I have posted on here about bonnet pads in the past. One thing I haven't asked is what size are dry fusion pads?

These are my pad of choice (cost and quality seem top of the list), but I need them to fit on my existing standard speed rotary.

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2010, 10:02:26 pm »
17.5 inches or 445mm ( just measured one)
Mike Halliday.


  • Posts: 1942
Re: Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2010, 10:12:09 pm »
Mike, you are a true Gent.

Many thanks for taking the time.

I owe you one.

Now I better get a move on and buy a stash.

Dave Roberts

Re: Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2010, 10:16:50 pm »

They are good pads but I recently tried one of the XR Grey pads from World of Clean, and two of their microfibre pads.

The XR gives superb agitation, and the microfibre pads pick up a lot more than the DF pads.

Neither of these work well with the DF machine (not enough grip area) but I use them with my standard Ruffo 200rpm rotary.



  • Posts: 1942
Re: Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2010, 12:54:55 pm »

They are good pads but I recently tried one of the XR Grey pads from World of Clean, and two of their microfibre pads.

The XR gives superb agitation, and the microfibre pads pick up a lot more than the DF pads.

Neither of these work well with the DF machine (not enough grip area) but I use them with my standard Ruffo 200rpm rotary.


David, I have taken your advice and bought one of the XR pads and 4 white MF pads from solutions. I have also bought 5 litres of fusion clean.

Job is Saturday so fingers crossed all goes well.

Dave Roberts

Re: Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2010, 02:43:34 pm »
Great combination, hard to go wrong.

- Light pre-spray onto carpet, then use rotary with XR Grey Pad to agitate and loosen dirt.

- Then further pre-spray onto carpet and also onto Microfibre pad, and go over whole area. The 'wet' side of the MF pad will remove any further soil that the XR pad has loosened, then turn over the MF pad regularly, the 'dry' side will remove a LOT of encapsulated soil.

Don't be tempted to submerge the MF pads in Fusion Clean, in the way you might with DF pads!

Fusion Clean responds far better with regular pre-spraying of the carpet and pad, rather than the 'bucket & wringer' method.

For that initial pre-spray, I personally use M-Power, and then use Fusion Clean from stage '2' above.  You could just use Fusion Clean as the initial pre-spray too.   Depends on the soil type.    M-Power is amazing at removing general / ground in / traffic lane / organic soil.      Fusion Clean, or perhaps a higher pH pre-spray (or solvent based like Multisolv) is better if the soil is more oil /grease / synthetic based.

Good luck.


  • Posts: 1942
Re: Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2010, 05:30:03 pm »
David, many thanks for the tips. I had intended to dip / wring the MF pads.

Didn't buy any M-Power though.

From what I have read about Fusion Clean I should be OK.

I do intend to take our spotting machine and kit for the more stubborn areas.

p.s. message to all; Dry Fusion pads are definitely not available to buy unless you have one of their licences, through 'Cleaners Warehouse' at least.


Re: Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2010, 05:38:31 pm »
The fusion clean will do a great job too mate,if you have just a normal buffer texather pads are a great investment..


  • Posts: 1942
Re: Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2010, 05:55:36 pm »
The fusion clean will do a great job too mate,if you have just a normal buffer texather pads are a great investment..

Hi Clinton, I did look at these following your earlier comments. Where do you buy them from as I couldn't see any on t'intenet?

I will be using a 17" standard speed Victor. Will be taking my Envirodri for back up on the agitation.


Re: Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2010, 05:58:38 pm »
Hi ian i got mine when i bought my texatherm system years ago,try the texatherm site maybe,also i picked some up along the way from other cleaners who decided to pack it in..hope this helps mate.

You will find also that you loose some along the way or leave them on the job by mistake lol

Dave Roberts

Re: Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2010, 11:30:16 pm »

Yeah Clinton's right Ian, Fusion Clean is enough to do a good rotary low moisture clean of this type. M-Power is the (pre) icing on the cake!   I always do the M-Power stage first, for consistancy, but to be fair, it often arguably wasn't needed.  Fusion Clean is very effective on it's own and far more cost effective than 'Activator' or 'Catalyst', as they use 4:1 dillution where Fusion Clean uses 25:1.

Clinton - Are Prochem's rotary, encap and bonnet clean chems any good?    (Not Pure Clean, tried that, not impressed, in rotary use at least).



Re: Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2010, 08:07:30 am »
Hi david  i found prohem bonnet buff a good product to l m clean mate,it gives a good clean too,do like the fusion clean too..


  • Posts: 1942
Re: Dry Fusion - Pad Size?
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2010, 10:32:40 pm »
Did the job yesterday and found the grey XR pad extremely useful. Had the envirodri as back-up but never had to use it as the XR pad worked great.

Had a major problem with the MF pads but this more down to the state of the carpet. They became filthy extremely quickly. After using the method recommended by DavidR earlier in this post, after just two pads (around 15 m2, I had to resort to soaking the dirty ones in a bucket full of solution and ringing them out. Not ideal but just about managed to complete the job by keeping the other two dry and using dry both sides.

For those experienced padders out there would you recommend M/S's for use when the carpets are real bad? As I understand it the pads then easily drop the attached soil when soaked between use.