Hi guys
I'm new to this forum but ive been window cleaning for a few years now (pole 1 year) im not sure if this is the right place to post but basically..
I've moved to London about 3 months back and i am living in a 3rd rloor flat (thankfully with a lift) the way i make my water is hardcore ,i got this contraption on the flat tap it connects up to the 200gpd reverse osmosis (with booster pump) and i fill up 4x 25lt drums in decent time.
but this is the painfull part i place 4 barrels in a trolly wheel them down to my van (which sometimes can be parked 5 mins walk away which may not sound like a lot but with 100kgs of water pushing to the van at 7am it is) then i need to lift 4 barrels on the van floor , sit on a little crate thing then tip them in the van mounted tank! its a bloody nightmare and gives me a back ache 1st thing in the morning. When i first moved here it wasnt much of a problem beacuse i didnt have enof work ,but im starting to use more as i have picked up quite a bit more work ,infact the only reason why im holding back on work is cos of this problem.
ive looked for garages, sheds etc ,cant find any with a water supply and the ones that have are just to expensive.
i was wondering if anyone knows or if anyone will be able to help me out for a bit? i am willing to pay maybe if you have a small round and rent a shed somewhere ill pay 50%? or even if you have a garden tap? all i need right now is maybe 400 liters a week ,infact i got 2 weeks off come middle of the month typically i am only using about 100l a day and i dont work every day right now (ofc i would like to)
I live in south london but my work is all over ,mainly Middlesex, Surrey if anyone out there is willing to help me out in anyway i will be so greatfull i know i only need a small amount of water but i dont want to sound like a hand out i stress i am willing to Pay my way % of rent or bills supply with resin etc anything which we are both happy with im willing to travel to even north london!
ill even clean your windows for free
i just need some help guys or ideas
Thanks in advance