what 'facelift' would you suggest Mr D?
Just tarting up a little fella.
The task bar for instance is a little square and boring looking imo and the header is great as it say who you are but the font could be better. The only bit I really don't like is the over zoomed water affect back ground. I think it is over used in out industry any way but your web designer has just zoomed in on a small jpeg leaving it quite poor quallity.
Don't get me wrong I think you have done some great things there like the insurance details at the foot of every page. and you have done what I do putting the towns you cover in the margin so google bots pic it up.
The only issues I think could do with a little work is design.
Great site I'm just giving you my opinion.
It's alot better than the mess that is my site atm. I need to find time to sort it out.