They provide cover if you ar unable to work.
When I was with them you could buy units up to 75% of your weekly turn over.
However you could not make a claim for first six months, after that you had day one cover.
£40 a month would give you about £150 a week.
This is an on going cover with investment plan.
When I get to 60yrs old it will pay out £21,000.
So it good value as with most policys you pay your fee for one year and renew the next.
If you find thing thight you can drop the number of units, even as low as one.
They pay full benefit for 12 months then 1/2 benefit for the rest of life, or till you get back to work.
I have made claims and know of one woman that has been paid regular for three years.
Here the link it may interest some as cover is hard to get in our job.
Regards Roy