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Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2010, 05:27:21 pm »
Have the directors of C.L.E.A.N Broken the following rule?

This forum should not be used to promote your own products and/or services.

If so should they be Expelled?


My opinion is no, every member who puts a link on here to a website is either promoting or selling services, members who advertise on here in the buy/sell to buy/sell equipment are doing the same. A recent example is that cleaners mate has been advertised on here many times, website services have also been promoted, why ban someone for doing this? Its just advertising something that may/can/will help a sme.



derek west

Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2010, 05:49:16 pm »

dya want your driveway cleaning? for free

Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2010, 06:16:46 pm »
Not if its with the hetty  ;D

Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus)

  • Posts: 1834
Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2010, 07:08:22 pm »

I believe it to be both a product and a service.

Are we to believe that the directors will not gain from services [training etc]
I also understand that they are considering launching own label products.
Will the profit from these be given to the membership?

Perhaps someone from C.L.E.A.N would like to comment.


Right, this will be my only post about this tonight because I am going out - so for the record and so that there is no misunderstanding between us ..........

The Directors will not gain from training, membership or any other money that CLEAN generates - OTHER THAN if we happen to work on any of the contracts CLEAN wins (we are working carpet cleaners after all)

CLEAN is a non-profit making limited company - all monies earned or received will be ploughed back into PR to raise customer awareness. The PR company is already in place.

Secondly, and can we put this to bed once and for all - WE WILL NOT BE LAUNCHING ANY OWN LABEL PRODUCTS.

If the moderators don't want us to post any more on Clean it up, then thats fine by me - I can do without the aggro, cynicism and loaded questions.

Have a good evening all.



  • Posts: 175
Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2010, 07:44:41 pm »
The Directors will not gain from training, membership or any other money that CLEAN generates - OTHER THAN if we happen to work on any of the contracts CLEAN wins (we are working carpet cleaners after all)


Thank you for that.


John Higgins

  • Posts: 112
Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2010, 07:55:59 pm »
As a supplier to carpet cleaners of leaflets and websites my companies have been mention on 100's of occasions on this board
and admittedly over the last several years I have made money from sales achieved because of postings on this site..

I have never posted myself only commented on what other members have said about my company. If somebody is offering a new product or service
that can help carpet cleaners achieve better profits then I believe this is a good thing.

A Forum is a double edge sword to suppliers it will make a lot of carpet cleaners aware of your product very quickly
but if the product doesn’t live up to  expectations or doesn't preform as stated then it can quickly become unpopular
and quite rightly so ..

A Trade forum like this is to share your experience both in marketing  and also to review and recommend or criticize
products you have tried yourself after all you  have to use machines and chemicals to carry out your trade.

The root concept of a forum is to advise and steer your  fellow cleaners down the most profitable route for there
business  and not just to slag  people off because you may have a personal vendetta or dislike of them.

Remember this forums is a life line to new carpet cleaners , who have probably invested all their redundancy money in
trying to start a business in the cleaning industry.

My advice is to stop backbiting each other and start helping each other again with constructive an well meaning advice

Peter Sweeney

  • Posts: 534
Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2010, 09:05:06 pm »
Thats one of the soundest posts I've read on here


  • Posts: 3183
Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2010, 09:25:56 pm »
Yes I agree John  I TRY to only constructively critiscize if I have an alternative idea, that is workable.
I clean carpets
I dry Buildings

james roffey

Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #28 on: April 04, 2010, 03:16:27 pm »
As a supplier to carpet cleaners of leaflets and websites my companies have been mention on 100's of occasions on this board
and admittedly over the last several years I have made money from sales achieved because of postings on this site..

I have never posted myself only commented on what other members have said about my company. If somebody is offering a new product or service
that can help carpet cleaners achieve better profits then I believe this is a good thing.

A Forum is a double edge sword to suppliers it will make a lot of carpet cleaners aware of your product very quickly
but if the product doesn’t live up to  expectations or doesn't preform as stated then it can quickly become unpopular
and quite rightly so ..

A Trade forum like this is to share your experience both in marketing  and also to review and recommend or criticize
products you have tried yourself after all you  have to use machines and chemicals to carry out your trade.

The root concept of a forum is to advise and steer your  fellow cleaners down the most profitable route for there
business  and not just to slag  people off because you may have a personal vendetta or dislike of them.

Remember this forums is a life line to new carpet cleaners , who have probably invested all their redundancy money in
trying to start a business in the cleaning industry.

My advice is to stop backbiting each other and start helping each other again with constructive an well meaning advice

Yes the forums are a lifeline for newbies , who have invested redundancy money or like me taken out a loan to make a new start, for me leaving a job that i hated, i honestly dont know how i would have managed without the forums and the help provided almost daily, i would never have considered carpet cleaning without the forums :)

Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #29 on: April 04, 2010, 10:30:12 pm »
ok - my views on CLEAN

it was discussed on here long before i came and as i see it, it is a subject you guys want to know about and discuss and the organisers of it certainly arent gaining (IMO) financially from it at this point and certainly wouldnt for a very long time

its a new trade ass and i think its right people can consider it and use it to promote their business if they wish and it opens up a good debate on the NCCA etc etc

expro - the rules are here for a reason, we dont want all you members bombarded with companies trying to sell their goods that none of us know anything about - one very good case of this was Global Communications who got on here before Christmas (before i was here!!)

before they were spotted and deleted they immediately started trying to sell their telephone numbers and solicit members much to the frustrations of many. Then as many of you will now be aware - they went into liquidation in the last few weeks causing massive disruptions for many people who had their services. If this forum was a free for all and any Tom, Dick and Harry was allowed on here to solicit you, i am sure you would then have an opinion on it if that company let you down!

my point is the rules are here for a reason - TO PROTECT YOU! however, we do have to make a call on some topics and let them run when we think they are worthwhile

all i am asking is everyone repects everyone else and considers their postings. I dont want topics started simply to incite arguments and Expro i think you were certainly looking to do that with this post - if you have issues please contact me directly and i will deal with them

Dave Whittaker

  • Posts: 75
Re: Forum Rules
« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2010, 11:47:29 am »
Good shout JW. And respect for telling it like it is.