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Re: having my leg pulled or what
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2005, 09:30:32 am »
Hi Everyone,

As request, here is the info that i have, which can be placed on your flyers: -


This information is important when contracting window cleaners or other contractors for commercial/ private or domestic work. Please take the time to read this information and keep yourself protected at all times.
The HSA brought into legislation ‘the working at height regulations 2005’ on the 6th April 2005. This new law affects every property owner.

This new law states, any workmen contracted to work on your property cannot go above two metres on a ladder, unless the property owner has adequate safety equipment available. This means eyehooks or the equivalent must be installed on your property for the contractors to tie their ladders too. In addition, these eyehooks must be professionally fitted and also carry a current safety certificate, which must be checked and renewed on a yearly basis.

If a contractor uses ladders without the appropriate equipment installed on your premises and has an accident resulting from this, you the property owner will be liable to prosecution by the HSA.

The Working at Height Regulation is Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 735

Also, is your current window cleaner fully insured to work on your premises??


Paul Coleman

Re: having my leg pulled or what
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2005, 10:22:39 am »
Hi Everyone,

As request, here is the info that i have, which can be placed on your flyers: -


This information is important when contracting window cleaners or other contractors for commercial/ private or domestic work. Please take the time to read this information and keep yourself protected at all times.
The HSA brought into legislation ‘the working at height regulations 2005’ on the 6th April 2005. This new law affects every property owner.

This new law states, any workmen contracted to work on your property cannot go above two metres on a ladder, unless the property owner has adequate safety equipment available. This means eyehooks or the equivalent must be installed on your property for the contractors to tie their ladders too. In addition, these eyehooks must be professionally fitted and also carry a current safety certificate, which must be checked and renewed on a yearly basis.

If a contractor uses ladders without the appropriate equipment installed on your premises and has an accident resulting from this, you the property owner will be liable to prosecution by the HSA.

The Working at Height Regulation is Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 735

Also, is your current window cleaner fully insured to work on your premises??


This sounds like a "Catch 22" situation to me.  In order to secure a ladder to an eye hook, surely it is necessary to climb that ladder.  By the time the securing has been accomplished, the window could have been cleaned anyway.  Or does it mean eyehooks further down the wall so that the lower part of the ladder can be secured?

Maybe they meant skyhooks rather than eyehooks (old builders' joke).


  • Posts: 251
Re: having my leg pulled or what
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2005, 10:26:51 am »
Are you telling me, or my domestic customers, that they have to have eyehooks and certificates fitted on their premises?

Baldeagle in Staffordshire
"John the Window Cleaner."
A business founded during the Elizabethan age.

Ray Pickering

  • Posts: 143
Re: having my leg pulled or what
« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2005, 10:37:49 am »

2 Metres on a ladder!!! that's ridiculous.

We might as well all pack up then.



  • Posts: 1642
Re: having my leg pulled or what
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2005, 10:40:24 am »
THE CLEANERSERVICE: whats stress: Havent seen a dr for 39years last time I saw one he killed me. I died and came back again,wasnt my turn the wrong ticket was pulled  out thought it was 999 turned it around and it read 666 so some other poor devil got it. [not joking either}

Im very lucky with health and always pity those who arnt blessed with it, stress is something I give to others for free.

thanks for your concern regards my welfare and my grammer.Im not the brightest spark in the fire I know. try to do my best. wish I could see my old english teacher and blame him for not giving me the cane more for not listening and to tell him Im earning more money per hr than him re :I feel this lad is a waste of time he can be so constructive in class time as as constructive as he can be he can be as destructive as well.GOD CAN STILL FEEL THE BELTING MY DAD GAVE ME FOR THAT.

ALL BECAUSE I TOLD HIM WHAT DO I WANT TO LEARN ENGLISH FOR .He gave the biggest good hiding ive ever had stating in between people lost their lives so a runt like you can speak the English language, Now I here the same coming out of my mouth at the kids,shut the door,switch the lights off.

Im only just finding out how bad my English is {Thanks for reminding me} going to do 1000 lines {MUST IMPROVE MY ENGLISH LANGUAGE ] ;D

Re: having my leg pulled or what
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2005, 10:57:02 am »
Hi again everyone,

I do agree with shiner that it is a catch 22.

However, I have lost count the amount of times I have seen window cleaners working on ladders, that are risking their lives. The top run of the ladder is just below the window ledge on the first floor window, they are waist height to this run, so if they off balance themselves, they are in for a trip to the hospital.

I believe the eyehooks or other tie off holdings can be at any reasonable height, I would probably imagine above 1.5 meters. (don’t quote me on that though)

And yes, it is the responsibility of the property owner to have them fitted and certified every year. And yes I also agree this is wrong and will affect everyone.

However, like I have also said, I don’t believe it will affect anyone until the next accident occurs, which for everyone’s sake, I hope it isn’t any of us; let it be some benefit signing cowboy.



  • Posts: 251
Re: having my leg pulled or what
« Reply #26 on: July 31, 2005, 11:32:59 am »
I'll make up a list of the addresses of all the council houses where I clean windows in Stafford.

Then I'll drop it off to the owner, Stafford Borough Council, tomorrow.

The next few of "theirs" that I clean will be this Wednesday - should give them time to pop along and dob some eyes in, I should think, plus get them tested?

The title of this thread is "Having my leg pulled, or what?"

I think the originator succeeded, don't you?

Baldeagle in Staffordshire
"John the Window Cleaner."
A business founded during the Elizabethan age.


  • Posts: 1642
Re: having my leg pulled or what
« Reply #27 on: July 31, 2005, 11:36:24 am »
24/7 :tHOUGHT THIS WAS FOR THIRD FLOOR CLEANING,but you learn something new every day. STILL the regs state you must have a hand hold each time ,never tried tying a knot one handed.


Paul Coleman

Re: having my leg pulled or what
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2005, 11:50:24 am »
Hi again everyone,

I do agree with shiner that it is a catch 22.

However, I have lost count the amount of times I have seen window cleaners working on ladders, that are risking their lives. The top run of the ladder is just below the window ledge on the first floor window, they are waist height to this run, so if they off balance themselves, they are in for a trip to the hospital.

I believe the eyehooks or other tie off holdings can be at any reasonable height, I would probably imagine above 1.5 meters. (don’t quote me on that though)

And yes, it is the responsibility of the property owner to have them fitted and certified every year. And yes I also agree this is wrong and will affect everyone.

However, like I have also said, I don’t believe it will affect anyone until the next accident occurs, which for everyone’s sake, I hope it isn’t any of us; let it be some benefit signing cowboy.


I'm a bit puzzled here.  The top rung of the ladder is *always* just below sill height when cleaning except on odd occasions when it's necessary to extend the ladder so that the top sits above the window (e.g. above a bay window when it must be extended so that the ladder angle is safe).  Also, if the waist was not roughly level with the top of the ladder (except above bays) then it wouldn't be possible to reach the top of the window - usually anyway.  If ladder mitts are fitted then it need not slip sideways.  If someone loses their balance, that will happen even if the ladder is secured.
I don't want to come across as a slipshod, reckless cowboy as I did have a couple of near misses many years ago and I learned from them.
I'm starting to wonder if a director of a WFP manufacturer is related to a government minister.   :)

Re: having my leg pulled or what
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2005, 11:58:18 am »
I've put it off for a long time, but my printer is currently printing 20 pages of the working at height regulation and 20 pages of the 'guide' to the working at height regulation.

I'm going to make a cup of tea and read the ruddy thing.  Then I've have another look around the HSE web-site for anything else applicable and then I'm going to declare myself a self-proclaimed 'expert'; like Ross!

Bugger, my black ink is low!  This may take longer than I expected!