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New Water Supply
« on: April 06, 2010, 08:48:09 am »
I spent most of Easter sorting out the water supply to the front of my house.  Dug through the drive to expose the water main entering the property, when the plumber came to inspect what I have done he said to me "do you think when I come to plumb in your supply, through the use of a manhole so the tap will be underground and a very simple cover just to lift off exposing the tap and hose, that I can put in a water meter at a small cost of £30 - £40 so you know exactly what the usage is to you van".  Does anybody know if it would be wise when we eventually go onto a water meter to go onto two supplies (one as a business and one for household).  If anyone can shed some light on this I would appreciate it.


Re: New Water Supply
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2010, 11:22:05 am »
its a good idea as you will know what water you are using for the business,

but if you go on to a water board meter, they will fit there own anyway, as they will not trust yours

the water board will do 1 of 2 things either,  two pipes going in to your houses and you will have to pay for this, or just run 1 and let you sort it out,  i think this is the most likely option


Re: New Water Supply
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2010, 11:38:34 am »
We have a workshop which we pay separate rates for.

There is no way I'll be paying rates on the chuffing shower so when the water board come to fit my water meter they are going to have to rig my workshop up to the mains.

I would be very interested to see how this works out for you as I got a letter about a month back informing me that the thieveing buggers were intending to start charging me for water but as yet nothing has happened.

I'll let you know if there are any developments.