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q for truckmount owners
« on: July 20, 2005, 04:26:20 pm »
hi truckmount users, if u get your machines serviced do u get a record of this like a car ? also is 1200 hours low for a truck mount ? and lastly what do u think of a spitfire 3.2 ?   cheers


  • Posts: 1129
Re: q for truckmount owners
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2005, 04:43:24 pm »
Servicing and repair work carried out by such like as HM & PC etc would keep records of work done, but more importantly they would furnish you with bills to show what has been carried out.
Mine are serviced by me and everything is logged in relation to hours done etc and all parts & service items are recipted.
The HM Spitfire 3.2 is known for its ultimate reliability, although it is an entry level machine like the blazer and steamway 6100 etc it is still a very capable machine though not in the leauge of the larger machines but is a major step up from portables.
1200 hours is negligible on a truckmount.


  • Posts: 599
Re: q for truckmount owners
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2005, 07:54:48 pm »
1200 hr is ok if the unit has proof of regular services,would not touch a truckmount without proof of maintance & services,1200 hr is a lot without any looking after.

Lee G

Karl Wildey

  • Posts: 781
Re: q for truckmount owners
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2005, 08:24:29 pm »
I own an entry level TM. I carry out my own services, oil, spark plug, air filter changes etc. In the manual it states  what to service at hours usage. ie 500 hours do this..
TM do not go wrong as often as portables, and last a lot, lot longer.

Re: q for truckmount owners
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2005, 09:18:51 pm »
KARL, how do you work tHAt out truckmounts dont go wrong as often as portys.i cant in way see how you say that without tongue in cheek. you have loads more possible faults that could occur on tm.that is factual. portys are superior. the porty boys THEY KNOW.they are wise.ARENT WE PORTYS. :P ::)
listen,learn.and benefit. try. reward.and love, peace harmony.feng shui. and all that. it improves ones selling .to ones customers.reap THE HARVEST WHILST YOU CAN. and try to crush the opposition.

john rees

  • Posts: 391
Re: q for truckmount owners
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2005, 08:24:53 am »
I also service my tm's myself I've just checked on my 2 portables and combined they have 1800 hours between them, and have gone through 4 pumps 5 vac motors and 2 heater elements and various other bits and pieces, my oldest tm on the other hand which now has 2600 hours on the clock has needed an alternator belt and a bypass oriffice filter(but numerous oil and filter changes) so I suppose the running costs would be much more than a portable if I had to use someone else to do the servicing,but even then it would be well worth while in the extra power that a tm provides.In my opinion comparing my tm's to my portables is like comparing an electric milk float to a top of the range sports car. ::)

Karl Wildey

  • Posts: 781
Re: q for truckmount owners
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2005, 05:26:48 pm »
Ron. here we go again, its another boring porty are better than TM's arguement.
Well Ron, I owe both porty and TM, and thats a FACT.
My porty has had more problems than the TM, thats a FACT.
John rees agrees with me, and owes both TM and porty, thats a FACT.
You do not owe a TM and therefore can not make a comparsion between TM and porty, thats a FACT.
Want to carry on this discussion Ron, then put something concrete in your arguement.

For the record, and some how I guess not the last time, TM are more powerful, do a better job (if used right) than portys, make more per hour and go wrong less than portys.


Re: q for truckmount owners
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2005, 06:31:39 pm »
Karl, don't mention concrete to Ron or he will start talking about sand and cement!!! ;D