A clean simple no frills website. I am going to offer my opinion! Others may disagree but this is what I think!
Bear in mind anyone can find fault with websites!
1. I think is mainly aimed at domestic customers.
2. As a company I would not consider you because it is a little too simple for me as a site.
3 However, point 2 made there is a degree of honesty and integrity about it but I think it leaves you wide open to be taken advantage of.
4. I am not sure I would offer such an easy get out of jail card as no contract and virtually no notice for commercial customers. i.e. I have just moved commercial premises and our warehouse currently looks like a bomb has hit it. So for example I could get you in with a team to sort the 6 offices, 3 toilets, 2 kitchens, showroom and warehouse with the promise of regular work. You then commit and stick a team in and sort it all out and I terminate you at the end of day 3 in the first week with 24 hours notice! Because in reality it could be sorted in 3/4 days with a team of 2/3 people and then maintained 2 hours a day by one cleaner.
5. Finally make your mind up you are either jmr/Jmr/JMR but not a mixture of all 3 throughout the site.
Kev Martin
Tiling Loogistics Ltd
Marblelife Ltd