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from edge2edge

  • Posts: 1507
« on: February 17, 2010, 11:06:53 am »
Just got a request to clean some house carpets due to scabbies problem any advice appreciated.Regards Alan(swindon)

Steve. Taylor

  • Posts: 1036
Re: Scabbies
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 11:49:18 am »
Alan is this from pets or human from pets no real problem from human you can contract this from shaking the customers hand. I would have a little look on google then decide if this job is for you.
regards steve.
Steve T       All the gear but no idea!


  • Posts: 86
Re: Scabbies
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2010, 12:14:27 pm »
 This is a real serious problem for dogs -----sarcoptic mange;  The scabies mite that attacks huimans is a different one. Dog mites dont like people,
 Its no good cleaning just the carpets but should include all of the soft furnishinsg and bedding . using mattress cleaning techniques with UVC .   You will probably need to do the treatment again after a fortnight or until the problem is solved.
 You may have to spray as well.
Ensure full contamination  protection if you work in other pet homes or have dogs at home.

Also make sure dog(s) is being treated.

This is not a quick job. Sadly many dumb people prefer to keep paying the vet large amounts of money rather than get a good cleaner to sort out the problem.

Demodex mange is more seriou s but less likely. They will need to learn how to treat and clean the dog

If Its   human scabies...... offer them a mattress clean as well , if you are brave, or just walk away if you have kids at home, or granny  --less hassle.....
In humans there is a chance that it is  really something else anyway. I had dermatitis once that the doc said was scabies.
No Job Too Odd.
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