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Adam P

  • Posts: 1448
may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« on: February 17, 2010, 11:08:21 pm »
been thinking that one day we will do the carpet cleaning ourselves as there is a lot of money to be earnt from it, at the moment we have been using a great guy and it's been great for us as we don't have to learn anything about it, just how to price right.

we are thinking of getting a new vehicle soon and feel something like a mpv would be better then a van as there is plenty of seats to carry people plus small supplies around. would this be a good idea for a carpet cleaning machine or would the space not be enough considering other supplies will be needed as well as security? if not what size van would work for this as well as be future proof?

also what would we be looking at machine wise for £3000 or so?

finally i assume people go on courses for this to get the basics done? anyone recommend any in surrey area and what the prices are?

robert meldrum

  • Posts: 1984
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 11:13:03 pm »
Why not take a look at what your man uses ? I feel you're thinking like a House Cleaner who takes a team of cleaners around which is quite different from Carpet Cleaning

Adam P

  • Posts: 1448
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2010, 11:31:14 pm »
Why not take a look at what your man uses ? I feel you're thinking like a House Cleaner who takes a team of cleaners around which is quite different from Carpet Cleaning

he uses an ashbys ninja. seems like a good machine but wanted the opinions of others. you're correct we are a house cleaning company (mainly doing one off cleans) and would be taking around a team of cleaners, so it makes sense to keep the carpet cleaning jobs one day as it can often pay more and be there a tiny fraction of the time that we are there for, e.g. today 4 of us cleaning 6 hours get £255, carpet cleaner there an hour gets £100, one day i want that to be me  ;D.


  • Posts: 1942
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2010, 12:45:33 am »
Our main vehicle and one which we could not cope without is a long wheel base Vauxhall Vivaro Crewvan.

I would highly recommend one of these, or similar, if you're looking for a people AND equipment carrier. We often carry six plus loads of gear, including full CC equipment, chem's etc. as and when required.

Forget MPV's for the type of use you mention. Load space is sacrificed for passenger space and vice versa. There are also tax implications to consider.


  • Posts: 908
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2010, 07:39:14 am »
You will struggle to get 1 vehicle to carry all your cleaners, cleaning equipment then everything you need for carpet cleaning. You will need 2 vehicles. £100 for 1 hours work I have to say thats not completely realistic.


  • Posts: 781
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2010, 07:52:37 am »
I've used Citroen Synergies for the last 6 years.
I carry a Powrflite pf1350, wand 100' of hoses, handtools
1 x 5L, 1 x 10L sprayers, every chemical i stock, most in
1L bottles to avoid carrying too much, 2 doz' terry towels.
spare vacuum motor plus all tools required, pile brush etc.
I can still carry 3 passengers if required, there are no tax implications
and my insurance is very low in comparison to vans, my last ins'
for a Citroen Berlingo was £1400, the replacemant Synergie was
£278 fully comp' insured for business. it's faster hence points on licence,
and more comfortable. Visibilty is excellent.
PS middle row of seats are on their rearmost setting, so loads of leg room
in the back.
At the end of the day a Satisfied Customer is all that counts, They'll come back and so will their friends!!!

robert meldrum

  • Posts: 1984
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2010, 09:39:35 am »
The logistics of combining the two types of cleaning does'nt work....I've worked with a couple of House Cleaning Services for many years who tried to include c/c but found it easier to have someone like me deal with carpet and upholstery cleaning.

The two can't work in the same property at the same time. Carpet cleaners must FOLLOW house cleaners.

To attempt combining the two will result in a shambles.

You could however get another vehicle and concentrate on building a carpet cleaning business, but don't expect to earn £100 an hour for every job

Joe H

Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2010, 09:46:13 am »
You could however get another vehicle and concentrate on building a carpet cleaning business, but don't expect to earn £100 an hour for every job

Nor for every hour of the week.

For example, I am sat here in my home office whist my van is being serviced and MOT'd.
What I earnt yesterday will be spent today - and hopefully not a lot more!


  • Posts: 166
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2010, 11:06:44 am »
With the greatest respect, do you think that you will do as good a job as the cc that you use.
If not ( which will be the case ) will this reflect badly on your business.
He probably has a lot of experience and invested in training and equipment to get to the standard that you are happy with.
Will you train all your cleaners to this standard or just one.
What happens if your trained person leaves or is sick or on holiday.
Who will service any equipment that you buy to keep it in good condition.
You see your current cc only on your jobs and have no idea what his overheads are or whether he is always busy.
Would you train your cleaners to be a car mechanic so that they can service your vehicles - its the same principle.
Sorry if this seems like I am having a pop but I get annoyed when our industry is seen as easy and that anyone can do it and earn big money.

robert meldrum

  • Posts: 1984
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2010, 11:45:59 am »
I think the posts above are honest opinions from people who've " been there " done it " got the bruises as well as the T shirts.

As mentioned I did a lot of work for House Cleaning companies, but never at £100 per hour.......the work cost me nothing to get and I was happy or the other company to add their % to my charges.


Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2010, 04:05:27 pm »
Why not take a look at what your man uses ? I feel you're thinking like a House Cleaner who takes a team of cleaners around which is quite different from Carpet Cleaning

he uses an ashbys ninja. seems like a good machine but wanted the opinions of others. you're correct we are a house cleaning company (mainly doing one off cleans) and would be taking around a team of cleaners, so it makes sense to keep the carpet cleaning jobs one day as it can often pay more and be there a tiny fraction of the time that we are there for, e.g. today 4 of us cleaning 6 hours get £255, carpet cleaner there an hour gets £100, one day i want that to be me  ;D.
Lets think about this logically. I am not knocking your idea, but you do have a lot to think about. Your example job 4 cleaners 6 hours etc.If one of those 4 cleaners is the carpet cleaner for one hour, your hours are straight up to 7 for the general clean. Someone already said the 2 don't mix well and they don't, so your general cleaners have to be out of the way whilst the carpets are being cleaned. What will they do, just sit in the vehicle being paid to do nothing? Not good. Whilst you may think every potential customer will want carpets cleaned, this is not reality, and some prefer to use independent carpet cleaners anyway. £100.00 per hour????? in your dreams sorry but you you may get an hourly rate like this once in a blue moon, but not on a regular basis. You cannot expect to pay an employed carpet cleaner at £6.50 per hour as you would a general cleaner. It's hard graft and speciliased work. You would be better off building a stand alone cc business and still utilising your subbie for the time being, whilst you get training and experience. :)

Adam P

  • Posts: 1448
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2010, 04:21:58 pm »
Why not take a look at what your man uses ? I feel you're thinking like a House Cleaner who takes a team of cleaners around which is quite different from Carpet Cleaning

he uses an ashbys ninja. seems like a good machine but wanted the opinions of others. you're correct we are a house cleaning company (mainly doing one off cleans) and would be taking around a team of cleaners, so it makes sense to keep the carpet cleaning jobs one day as it can often pay more and be there a tiny fraction of the time that we are there for, e.g. today 4 of us cleaning 6 hours get £255, carpet cleaner there an hour gets £100, one day i want that to be me  ;D.
Lets think about this logically. I am not knocking your idea, but you do have a lot to think about. Your example job 4 cleaners 6 hours etc.If one of those 4 cleaners is the carpet cleaner for one hour, your hours are straight up to 7 for the general clean. Someone already said the 2 don't mix well and they don't, so your general cleaners have to be out of the way whilst the carpets are being cleaned. What will they do, just sit in the vehicle being paid to do nothing? Not good. Whilst you may think every potential customer will want carpets cleaned, this is not reality, and some prefer to use independent carpet cleaners anyway. £100.00 per hour????? in your dreams sorry but you you may get an hourly rate like this once in a blue moon, but not on a regular basis. You cannot expect to pay an employed carpet cleaner at £6.50 per hour as you would a general cleaner. It's hard graft and speciliased work. You would be better off building a stand alone cc business and still utilising your subbie for the time being, whilst you get training and experience. :)

we have worked with the carpet cleaner for 6 months now and it's never been a problem that we work along side him, it's very easy when we work like this, we start rooms with carpets, then do rooms without carpets while the carpets get cleaned. it really works well and would work in the future. i suggest anyone try it if they think it doesn't work.

we already have 2 small cars which we use and would continue to use if it was ever the case that the carpets would take longer then the clean. the cars we use are too small for what we do now anyways, so we need a bigger vehicle. makes sense to get a vehicle now that'll work for carpet cleaning when we start the work in the future which could be 6 months, could be 1 month, could be 2 years.

we also are the ones who price for carpets, so i know what he gets paid for the carpet cleaning. £100 of course is one off sorry if i sounded like i thought it was all the time, but it's very close to it more often then not. we did another the day before and we got £170 whilst he got £230 and was there around 2 hours at the very most and that included a long chat with each of my workers.

to the person who said about not being as good as the guy we use, are you saying i should never start carpet cleaning and nor should anyone else as they wouldn't immediately be as good as a professional that has been doing it for a couple of years? seems like a silly thing to suggest imo. i clearly haven't just randomly jumped to saying i'll do carpet cleaning tomorrow and be an expert, but instead said that i want to be prepared now before start cleaning. in my first post i even mention training courses and ask for advice. if you think i need months of training courses say that instead please.

thing is carpet cleaning can be "hard" work as in requires a lot of knowledge about what is best for the problem, but it can also be incredibly easy work, i know as i have a good relationship with him.

Steve Barnett (Carpet Care Plus)

  • Posts: 1834
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2010, 04:48:03 pm »
I would suggest you attend a training course first - Prochem at Chessington would be the closest.

£ 3000 would get you a top of the range portable, which may even include a wand and hoses. It won't end there though you can add a couple of hundred for accessories and cleaning solution - and then there's agitation machines, snail or whole room driers. Then if you decide to get into upholstery, thats another training course and more tools and accessories.

Even when you have all this sorted you will then need the one thing money can't buy and thats experience. If you are only cleaning a couple of jobs a week or even a month it will take a while to build up this experience.

I'm not suggesting for one minute that you cant do it, just that if your serious about getting into carpet cleaning then it might be a better idea to think about a stand-alone carpet cleaning business, rather than an add-on service.


robert meldrum

  • Posts: 1984
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2010, 07:18:57 pm »
If you're happy with the current set up and your carpet cleaner is happy to hang around when he could be earning and you find it acceptable to work around each other just carry on but your asking for trouble.

Risk assessments are extremely important when working in other peoples properties particularly when using machines and chemicals. If you did risk assessments on your current arrangement I don't think you'd do any more along these lines.

When I started working with house cleaners I found it very frustrating at first, with cleaners arriving late / finishing late / preventing access to water/ to bathroom and so on.

Once the work was properly co ordinated and carpet cleaning was done unimpeded, the job was slotted into an allocated space and the cleaners were away to their next job.

I'd guess the ratio of house cleaning jobs which included carpet cleaning to be around one in twenty.

Adam P

  • Posts: 1448
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2010, 09:25:28 pm »
If you're happy with the current set up and your carpet cleaner is happy to hang around when he could be earning and you find it acceptable to work around each other just carry on but your asking for trouble.

Risk assessments are extremely important when working in other peoples properties particularly when using machines and chemicals. If you did risk assessments on your current arrangement I don't think you'd do any more along these lines.

When I started working with house cleaners I found it very frustrating at first, with cleaners arriving late / finishing late / preventing access to water/ to bathroom and so on.

Once the work was properly co ordinated and carpet cleaning was done unimpeded, the job was slotted into an allocated space and the cleaners were away to their next job.

I'd guess the ratio of house cleaning jobs which included carpet cleaning to be around one in twenty.

it works as we don't hold either up, only if we have a bit of a chat but thats acceptable. as mentioned we do the work first that would get in his way, then we do larger jobs whilst he cleans that he wouldn't do, e.g. i've never come across a kitchen with carpets so we always leave this for last if he is coming. i don't know why you're saying he'll be hanging around as the current set up he doesn't, and the future set up i don't think i'll mind as i'm sure i can join the others with work when i'm done. sounds like a lot of fuss in this thread over nothing. in fact re-reading what you have wrote, it sounds as though the better thing to do is start doing this myself instead of using this guy as then we wont be in his way, or make him frustrated when arriving late/finishing late, preventing access to water etc

1 in 20 so far is not the case for us, more like 1 in 4, often though we get a lot of cleans when it's every job is carpets, then a break, so a lot of money to one day be earned. surprised so many people are against me doing the carpet cleaning, acting as though it's this impossible job that only the professionals should do. i'm more then capable to do this myself so will be and i know i'll be earning a decent amount more then we currently are for reasons already mentioned. of course there is more costs and risks involved but it's totally worth it for what we can earn. nothing ventured nothing gained etc

after doing some training courses i'll see how we feel at what we can do ourselves, we will always work with the guy for cleans we can't do when over booked any way so if it's an easy job then we can do it, if a little more tricky then he can and we can learn from it for next time.

robert meldrum

  • Posts: 1984
Re: may one day do carpet cleaning, want to be prepared now
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2010, 11:08:02 pm »
Nice web site !  It's not that anyone's against you, just that most have some or considerable experience at what you're doing / proposing and sounding alarm bells ON YOUR BEHALF.
For a 21 year old you appear to be doing pretty well and will probably be successful whichever route you follow.

From a business building point of view, I'd suggest you continue to use the guy you currently use and consider some training courses. They're not expensive and will give you a base to build on.

Once you've done the training you'll have a better idea as to whether you want to work " hands on " or become a " manager "and develop your business .

Good luck whichever route you choose.