Hi Cleaning team,
Yes thats my exact same reason we stayed close to base. However we were contacted by a large company yesterday about a cleaning contract.
We went to visit one of their sites today. Is was around the 20 mile mark.
It went well.
And we made it clear very clear that our price was probably expensive to take into account feul, wear and tear on vehicles, tyres and many other factors like travel time etc. Costing was from our base.
They even let us choose the times that would suit us best and luckily we have a contract that we do 3 days a week near by about 10 miles to their site from the site we are cleaning at already.
After explaining everything and giving them the break down in the costings etc we left on our way back to the office. shortly after we received a telephone call saying the contract is signed and in the post and they sent a confirmation email through.
They said we were highly recomended even though we were alot more expensive they beleive it to be worth it.
They own the building and let some offices out as well. They also at a later date want us to clean the other offices that are let out providing the trial period goes well. So a definate worth while project at present.