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are we enviro freindly
« on: June 17, 2005, 11:31:42 am »
i suppose it boils down to what we use. but i have asked different suppliers and they come up with a sort of get out for any product you ask about. whilst one spray is this another is that. ive eaven had said that one should use enviro freindly buckets to pu water into. ludicrous, it reminds me when veggies say i need my own fridge for my food so it cant be contaminated by non veggie products. im sure many companies will sat this or that passes this or that standard. which complys with this or that directive. that may be so but dont we then make our so enviro freindly chemichals not so freindly when we dispose our water. mistifys me ???
listen,learn.and benefit. try. reward.and love, peace harmony.feng shui. and all that. it improves ones selling .to ones customers.reap THE HARVEST WHILST YOU CAN. and try to crush the opposition.


Re: are we enviro freindly
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2005, 12:04:38 pm »
I've been asked by a lot of companies to use eco-friendly products and while I'd like to, I've tried the all and they just aren't as good as a strong acid or alkali. The H &S guys always go overboard, and with current trends for sueing who can blame them. I try not to have anything to strong in the cleaning cupboard ( even though they are locked), but for some tasks, you just can't help it.

Its easier to be H & S aware when carpet cleaning, especially with the new chemicals about, but for commercial cleaning, sometimes you don't really have a choice.

I do try to use re-cycled paper when possible, and of course it is cheaper, and bag wastage is kept to a minimum.

Probably not carpet cleaning related, but the speed I type I'm not deleting it  ;)

Re: are we enviro freindly
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2005, 06:39:02 pm »
listen,learn.and benefit. try. reward.and love, peace harmony.feng shui. and all that. it improves ones selling .to ones customers.reap THE HARVEST WHILST YOU CAN. and try to crush the opposition.