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  • Posts: 779
Re: A Minute for Madeleine‏
« Reply #60 on: November 06, 2009, 07:33:30 pm »
And clog more people's email boxes up with the message? Why? I rarely watch the news but even i couldn't avoid seeing the mcganns on TV (yet again). I don't see how circulating amongst our contacts an email on the subject (which was what the original post asked for) is going to help find this poor little girl 
Hi all sorry for not joining in sooner but have been attanding courses,
the idea of this viral e-mail is that by sending it to all your contacts and in turn to all thier contacts and so on it circulats the globe very quickly, the video has been produced with the advice of head shrinks on the believe that some one close knows where she is, I think I heard on the news the next day that the vid was getting 15,000 hits an hour that can only meen the message is getting out there, I'm sorry if it has upset some by posting this here and I thank every one for letting it stay and for keeping it near the top.
This is one of the times the internet can be seen to be doing good and believe me there are a lot of dangers out there, as a child I was told never talk to starngers but with the internet our children can be inviting the very same strangers into thier bed room,
I recently attended a CEOP (child exploration on line) information training day and believe me when I say it gave me cause for thought (fact a paedofile will be grooming on average 100 children at any one time) so leaving a child on thier own is bad but children can be tempted to put them selves in danger, I could go on and on about this subject but if you have children and have niot done so visit this site it packed full of really good information and advice for all ages from 5 years upwards including parents/ carers

Again thanks for the attention
ps I clean windows

The secret is not doing as you like but liking what you do