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craig b

window cleaning mop
« on: November 05, 2009, 06:00:36 pm »
i purchased one of these from lidl..i paid £5 for 2 as it was old stock..
excellent for inside con this is what bought it for..hard job made easy...
plus my ladder slipped the other day doing the inside and still have ladder rung marks on wrists,stomach and legs plus bruised knees.. flat on my face i went. ;D.

just to say i went in and asked had they any lucky they had them out the back.


  • Posts: 23862
Re: window cleaning mop
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2009, 09:00:49 pm »
why dont u buy a swivelock mop/squeegy and pole.use the mop/squeegy locked for ur normal everday work then just pop on the pole for inside/tricky awkward windows?unger gear online from windowcleancentre.thats what i use.i would never dream of using lidl/aldi crap!that goes for microfibre cloths for detailing as well!get good with a pole!
price higher/work harder!

cornelius jemmerso

  • Posts: 36
Re: window cleaning mop
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2009, 09:04:42 pm »
why dont u buy a swivelock mop/squeegy and pole.use the mop/squeegy locked for ur normal everday work then just pop on the pole for inside/tricky awkward windows?unger gear online from windowcleancentre.thats what i use.i would never dream of using lidl/aldi crap!that goes for microfibre cloths for detailing as well!get good with a pole!

the LIDL  balcony floor mop is just ACE and   is a mix of micrfber and cats whiskers. on glass nowt  beats it