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Paul Heath

  • Posts: 600
Quote of the week
« on: October 18, 2009, 08:40:43 am »
Got called in by a local plumber to remove oil & soot from carpet. Talking to the owner, he informed me that he usaully cleans his carpets once a year himself with a R/D, and he had a go at removing the stain himself.....don't you love theses ones that think they know what they are doing!! After i cleaned the whole lounge and got rid of the stains he kneels down touches they carpet "blimey its almost dry, the R/D took two days to dry" I just smirked as i packed up my kit. Score: Carpet cleaners 1 - R/D 0

Re: Quote of the week
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2009, 09:38:35 am »
Good Result ;D

Ricky M

  • Posts: 852
Re: Quote of the week
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2009, 10:18:34 am »
So did you book him in for next year ??
              NCCA !? but why have non of my clients herd of them ??

Paul Heath

  • Posts: 600
Re: Quote of the week
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2009, 01:08:35 pm »
Quoted him for his 3 piece suite, booked in for 2 weeks time! I think i have converted him...its a struggle but we must keep going and run these R/D into the ground ;D


  • Posts: 627
Re: Quote of the week
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2009, 01:48:03 pm »
I quoted a pub this time last year and didnt get it.

They rang me the other week and said would the price still stand, popped down to have a look and said yes. They said they had hired a machine last year, took 3 days to dry out etc.

We did it the other morning, TM and dry roto to spead up drying, they couldnt believe it was dry and ready for use by 10.30.

We discussed the job over tea and bacon rolls and I  told him I can go and buy a steak and cook it at home, but its just a steak, or I can come to him for a deliciously cooked steak, beer, ambience etc etc, and thats the difference, its done properly.

We booked in a reclean in 6 months time and he wants a price on 60 pub chairs to be done afterhours.