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Eddie Conroy

  • Posts: 108
Soot Removal
« on: May 31, 2005, 09:40:49 pm »
Further to my post re independents/insurance I have actually been given the job to do on Friday :o :'(.
I have various chemicals on board and I am optimistic of getting a good result. However there is one piece of carpet where it comes up to the Brick fireplace (hearth) where the soot is laying in the crease.
 I intend to initially vacuum the hearth, vacuum the carpet and then lift the edge of the carpet of the gripper where it meets the hearth to see what I can do there. Obviously I will put sheeting under the lifted carpet and over the newly cleaned hearth.
Any suggestions to help please and can anybody expand on the 'talc' trick
Look forward to putting faces to names at Gatwick on the 2nd

john rees

  • Posts: 391
Re: Soot Removal
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2005, 09:48:16 pm »
try prochems ultrapac renovate, I've used it with great results.......don't know the talc trick though?
                                     john :)