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  • Posts: 13421
Help for a WC daughter - again! & update
« on: October 01, 2009, 10:26:54 am »
Hi Guys,

Firstly thanks for all your efforts in voting for my girl, she came 5th in the comp and therefore in a winning position, however due to "technical reasons" they are re-running the competition, so that only registered users can vote - it takes less than 1 minute to register and no address details are asked for just email and a couple of other questions, they comp re starts from today, if anyone could spare a few minutes and register and then click on the vote button once a day we would be grateful... It runs for 14 days.

Hope you do not mind me asking again - the link is below, with her picture - just take teh "join" option then if you could click on vote once logged in - THANK YOU so much

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience