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wcp questions
« on: September 21, 2009, 10:28:01 am »
just downloaded wcp demo, and have a couple of silly questions...

1) is there a quote screen anywhere?
2) can i alter the info that shows on an invoice, such as job details, company details etc
3) can i have my logo on jobsheets rather than wcp?!

sure there will be loads more!


  • Posts: 663
Re: wcp questions
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2009, 03:57:18 pm »

Not silly questions at all...

1) At the moment there is no quote screen as such, you can enter a job with a status of quote but no where to actually print of the quotes. This is something that we are looking at adding in the future.
2) The details that show on an invoice are customisable. The company name is obtained from the information that you set under Tools -> Preferences. The customer details are obtained from the details you enter when adding the job. Both these can be changed in the textbox when raising an invoice. The same with line can click on the licne description that you want to edit and enter any details you like.
3) Beleive it or not this has been requested a few times so will probably add into the software. The quick fix for this is the replace the WCP logo in the folder C:\Window Cleaner Pro\reports\logo.png - Let me know if you have a logo and want it converting to PNG format.

Please send me any further question at and thanks for trialing the program.

