Hope you don't mind me enquiring from yourselves as I have just looked at your website and see
that some of you use the reach and wash system. I have currently been a window cleaner for a year now
using the traditional method and as my business is getting too big now I was looking for a faster
method keeping the same standard.
There is no one in this area that is currently using this system hence my asking a few questions if
you don't mind.
1) Can this system be used for windows with wooden frames, wire strips accross the windows.
2) Does this system do windows streak free
3) Can you recomend me the best system to buy, my work is just houses.
4) What are the down / up sides in using this.
5) Are your customers happy with this system, what percentage leave.
I would appreciate your help on this or guide me in the right direction.
Doug Atkinson