I have a safety policy (which I guess could be termed as a 'Health and Safety Policy') that I once had to provide for a quote. You can have that.
But can you be a little bit more specific as to your requirements? Such as, why do you require it? Is it for a quote? Do you mean a risk assessment or method statement?
I will cut and paste my safety policy here (it looks a bit rough - it's better in Word format:
General Statement
1. All reasonable steps will be taken by ABC Window Cleaning to ensure the safety of all employees engaged in window cleaning operations. Where employees are undertaking these operations the work activity will be subject to risk assessment. Any control measures found necessary as a result of the assessment will be introduced. Training and information required by employees will be provided. The person responsible for implementing this policy is Ken Simpkin.
Arrangements for Securing the Health and Safety of Workers
2. ABC Window Cleaning will ensure the following:
a. Carry out, or monitor, risk assessments of work activities involving
window cleaning.
b. Ensure all necessary measures are taken to reduce any risks found as a result of the assessment.
c. Ensure all equipment used in the operation is suitable, of good
construction, of sound material and free from defect.
d. Ensure that all equipment is obtained from reputable suppliers and manufacturers and conforms to the relevant British and European Standards (further guidance on the correct use of the equipment is contained in HSE guidance note GS25 Prevention of falls to window cleaners).
e. Ensure that all plant and equipment used is clearly identified and regularly inspected and maintained.
f. Maintain a record system which identifies all company equipment used
in window cleaning operations and logs each inspection, repair and
maintenance procedure undertaken.
g. Ensure all equipment is stored correctly.
h. Implement a reporting system, so that employees' concerns about window cleaning operations are relayed to a responsible person and corrective action taken.
i. Ensure skin barrier creams and UV barrier creams are worn when
Safe Systems of Work
3. The major hazard of window cleaning is falls from external window sills or ledges, from ladders, from suspended scaffolding or through fragile roofs or from parts of the building being used as handholds or footholds. The following precautions should help reduce the likelihood of such accidents occurring:
a. Selection of suitable equipment and system of work.
b. Checking equipment before commencing any window cleaning operation.
c. Removal of any defective equipment from service.
d. Prompt reporting of defective equipment, or lack of anchorage points.
e. Correct storage of equipment between operations.
4. Where the exterior side of a window clan be cleaned from the inside, ensure that there is no risk of falling through the open window. (This will depend on the window cleaner's height, the length of his or her reach, the depth of the sill and the arrangement of furniture).
5. Ensure that you have received the relevant information and training related to general procedures and specific procedures to be followed in order to avoid risks.
Summary Policy Statement
The three most important steps with regard to safe window cleaning operations are to:
a. Carry out risk assessments of each operation in order to identify specific as well as general hazards related to each operation.
b. Use trained staff to carry out the operations and ensure that they are familiar both with the general and specific procedures, including permit to work systems, which must be followed.
c. Use suitable, well-maintained plant and equipment which must be inspected at regular intervals and prior to use, so that any defects found are reported and result in the plant or equipment being removed from service immediately.