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Re: do u pick more work off TRAD cleaners?
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2009, 09:18:36 pm »
I picked up work today in another town because their Trad cleaner has fallen off his ladders. Lucky bloke survived with a few broken bones - he can't remember anything about it, the owners were out but someone over the road spotted him.  :-\
  if he has quit windowing thats okay, but if he hasnt you know he hasnt you should be ashamed if u take his work

tony talbot

  • Posts: 258
Re: do u pick more work off TRAD cleaners?
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2009, 09:25:34 pm »
I picked up work today in another town because their Trad cleaner has fallen off his ladders. Lucky bloke survived with a few broken bones - he can't remember anything about it, the owners were out but someone over the road spotted him.  :-\
  if he has quit windowing thats okay, but if he hasnt you know he hasnt you should be ashamed if u take his work

i,ll second that, wc,s look out for each other we don,t take advantage


  • Posts: 4694
Re: do u pick more work off TRAD cleaners?
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2009, 09:46:47 pm »
 ;D he's welcome to it if he comes back. It's horrible work in a horrible town.


  • Posts: 200
Re: do u pick more work off TRAD cleaners?
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2009, 10:08:27 pm »
hummm... what you gonna tell your customers when you go wfp?

forget the sales talk - you can earn more money, its quicker blah blah blah - anyway I assume your mostly domestic therefore the biggest reason that wfp is better than using ladders is simply because you will never fall off a wfp...but as with every thing it comes at a cost -  and in this case its a financial cost.


Mike #1

  • Posts: 4668
Re: do u pick more work off TRAD cleaners?
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2009, 07:42:09 am »
so steve allan you only use wfp on 3 storeys and leaded windows how come you have have spent hudreds of pounds on wfp and you dont use it that much can't work that out at all , if custys don't like wfp i talk to them and discuss what issues they have if any and if the end they don't want wfp we part company only lost a few custys said they don't like windys been left wet very strange


  • Posts: 1093
Re: do u pick more work off TRAD cleaners?
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2009, 08:13:09 am »
i have been wfp now for 3 years......i now am reverting back to trad for 20% of my runs....reason being: the job was much better, safer, cleaner and quicker HOWEVER the custies in this area are not happy no matter what you do to prove that wfp is better...and because most are either related to each other or are mates etc the word about the window cleaner who leaves the windows wet has spread like wild fire.....and there are no less than 15 other window cleaners working in the area..all trad guys.....i was tempted to get rid of the work, however the run is worth a tidy sum so the only option i have is to revert back to trad and ditch the ones that cannot be done on ladders safely......i have done it trad before and had no probs with safety and dont see any reason why i cant do it again, plus i need to lose my pot belly...a bit of exercise is needed by me. 8)


  • Posts: 24200
Re: do u pick more work off TRAD cleaners?
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2009, 08:22:50 am »
thanks for everyones off to work now.last day for 2 wks ;Dnew york tomoro.ill come back refreshed for the winter  ::)i never risk dodgy windows with ladders anymore.TRAD poles all the way{WFP in the wishes to everyone
price higher/work harder!


Re: do u pick more work off TRAD cleaners?
« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2009, 12:20:36 pm »
so steve allan you only use wfp on 3 storeys and leaded windows how come you have have spent hudreds of pounds on wfp and you dont use it that much can't work that out at all , if custys don't like wfp i talk to them and discuss what issues they have if any and if the end they don't want wfp we part company only lost a few custys said they don't like windys been left wet very strange

I went straight into wc with wfp but have since found my round at the moment is quicker for me using my wagtail. I use the wagtail at height as well with my pole after making the mods that wagga off another forum recommended so only use a ladder when i have to. It works for me anyway, having said that i'm not moth balling the wfp as have just gained some shopwork in my local town centre that will require wfp.
Scrimman has also made some valid points, the kind of resistance to wfp i was getting.