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Re: Finance
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2009, 10:58:54 pm »
try a local chamber of commerce - im with one for my construction company - they give you all free support and advise and a start up grant


  • Posts: 700
Re: Finance
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2009, 11:44:03 pm »
Will have a look SJ.

Well the plan is full time yes. I live at home now so mayswell make the most of it. I've got three years to build something solid, after that I will have to risk a lot.

Now or never as they say!

Why are you at University if all you aspire to be is a window cleaner?

Presumably you did well in your A levels to get a place?

What a total waste of an education. If you had a shred of decency you'd quit uni and free-up the space for somebody who actually wants to make something of themselves. 

Havn't read any other posts, but thought this was one worth replying to!

I don't aspire to be a window cleaner in paticular, but see it as an excellent opportunity. I respect everyone that does it as I know it takes time and effort. I did a 1 year access course and yes I did pretty well in it.

Window cleaning may or may not be something that brings me a full time income over the next few years. It also may or may not be where i end up in 10 years. For that reason, I want to develop 2 aspects of my life.

Because my parents earn over the threshhold I have to pay for everything myself (which is how it should be). Others get their £3k course for free and then £2k a year they don't have to pay back. You and in fact no one should make me feel guilty for going.

As i'm doing Economics and Finance I thought that might actually help me in the business world. Also, if you want a space on my course, i'll put in a good word for you :)

Thanks for your 'constructive critisism' regarding the finance...which is what this post is about.


  • Posts: 700
Re: Finance
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2009, 11:47:37 pm »
Will have a look SJ.

Well the plan is full time yes. I live at home now so mayswell make the most of it. I've got three years to build something solid, after that I will have to risk a lot.

Now or never as they say!

Why are you at University if all you aspire to be is a window cleaner?

Presumably you did well in your A levels to get a place?

What a total waste of an education. If you had a shred of decency you'd quit uni and free-up the space for somebody who actually wants to make something of themselves. 

You obviously dont think alot of wcs mate

what if he wants to turn his business into a cash generator to fund something else?? Solving the meaning of life for instance :)

I say do go to uni and then your options are open, i am always doing other courses so one day if i get sick of it i can do anything else i want, i may go back to college once i have enough staff to run things :) I fancy finishing off the electronic engineering diploma i left when i left college a few years back

What a daft thing to discourage someone from uni maybe he is paying his tuition fees with wcing

SJ you misunderstand me: I'm a window cleaner and it earns me OK money...but it's not a career I like to admit to...people DO look down their noses at you!

If Kwackers is merely seeking to window clean to finance his education and aspires to ultimately do a "proper" job then very good luck to him. But my reading of it is that he intends to build up a round on the basis of doing it full time at some future point...and as I say: A waste of an education.

My 17 year old is actively looking for a uni place next year....she got 3 As at AS Level and should get 3 As at A Level.  Last friday I drove her to Bristol Uni for the open day, this Saturday I'm driving her to Warwick to their open day and will most probably have to take her to Aberdeen for their open day. She's sooo nervous about not getting a Uni place and is studying like mad to ensure good grades next year when she sits A levels.  She wants to study history and then after 3 years convert over to a Law degree.  She has my every support.

So you'll forgive me if I get a bit irritated when I read about somebody who already has a Uni place who appears to want to clean glass.

Kwackers would do better to do a few hours extra studying and attend a few more lectures.

There is a phrase called 'work to live, don't live to work'. I'm got thick skin and if someone want's to judge me because i clean windows to earn some cash then so be it. The plan is to make my money while i'm at Uni( which i have to pay for) and then if it builds into something good then so be it.

You might get paticulary irratated that i'm 'wasting an education'. Well i get paticulary irratated that people think i can go to university and not work. Only lazy people don't work!


  • Posts: 700
Re: Finance
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2009, 11:51:04 pm »
Everyone else. Please be assured none of the above was targetted at you.

I've come on this forum and browse every day, trying to search for what i need so you don't get repeat posts. I've seen window cleaning as a 'business opportunity' and respect all the constructive comments that i have recieved.

All i look for is ways to make money. I ran a ecommerce business from 14-17 and it turned over about £300k in it's last year through my sites, ebay and amazon. Believe me, i made more money working 4 days a month window cleaning and alot less hassle. It's not that I really want to clean glass, but the business side of it definately makes sense.

Again - Thanks for all the responses and before this gets any more heated if a mod sees this, please just lock it, i don't want any pointless offense being taken.



mark dew

  • Posts: 2901
Re: Finance
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2009, 11:54:12 pm »
Are you living with your parents? Regardless, ask the uni for a hardship loan. I also think you are better off getting a backpack, barrels and working out of a car.
Finance for a van, equipment and roundbuilders etc is gonna be several grand, as you know. Doing a degree and paying for that sort of finance will stretch you all over the place.
Disregarding the sermon, your uni will be the best chance to find some funding.

Re: Finance
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2009, 12:48:07 am »
I study Health and social care. I study because I enjoy it. I am also a part-time first responder for the ambulance service. I do not get paid for it. But get a lot of personal gain from it.
  My business is cleaning.   I do not look at it has just being a window cleaner. It is a business. A good business at that.
One day if I want to change my career, from running a business, I will have the option too. Paramedic or something.
 Go to a good business adviser, not with a bank. They will tell you about grants, etc, u do not have to pay back. They will help u wth business plan, etc.  But do not get yourself in deep debt over it.