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  • Posts: 231
Backpack motor or switch..?
« on: June 18, 2009, 08:01:56 am »
My backpack has been cutting out occasionally for a while now. Over the winter part of the problem was resolved with a new battery. However, it might run for 3 hours, no problem, but then it would cut out. I would disconnect the battery, reconnect and it might run fine for 30 minutes or 30 seconds before I would have to go through the same procedure. I took the battery back to my supplier who ran a test on it overnight and said that it was charging and holding it's charge fine. Then on Tuesday it just stopped dead. If I held the power switch in I could hear very faint clicking but otherwise nothing. I have had a look at the motor to see if there were any broken/frayed bits of wiring but everything looks fine. I have also disconnected the switch, wd40d it, reconnected etc. Is it time for a new motor, a new switch or what do you reckon? Where would you go for the best price on Shurflo bits? Any info appreciated!

john tomkins

  • Posts: 1639
Re: Backpack motor or switch..?
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2009, 08:10:24 am »
I know there were loads of posts about these types of problems with backpacks..... Have you done a search on here first?


  • Posts: 857
Re: Backpack motor or switch..?
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2009, 08:11:35 am »
others may be able to give you more info in detail

the shurflo is notorious for havng a weak switch with it being underneath, one thing to try is to fit and reposition a new switch to a place better protected
also it could be the PCB board, these are replaceable, but i think ones who have had the problem bypass it.
EZclean - Cleaner Than Water


  • Posts: 231
Re: Backpack motor or switch..?
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2009, 08:56:38 am »
Ok, following a couple of pointers from the forum, I have bypassed the switch, connecting the pump directly to the battery, et voila, it works! That now leaves me with a couple of other questions! Should I just replace the switch (straightforward, costs money) or should I bypass the switch and make my own using bits of Maplins stuff (not so straightforward, cheaper, will take some fiddling about)? If I was to make my own switch, how does that effect the charging of the battery, as the charging connector is built in to the switch cable? Has anyone posted a walkthrough for making their own switch?


  • Posts: 231
Re: Backpack motor or switch..?
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2009, 03:29:50 pm »
So, I then popped in to Maplins in Cheltenham where avery helpful whizz called Kieran sorted me out a cable and switch, assembling it all for me in store. Will need a bit of adjusting so it doesn't foul on the trolley, but top flight stuff! Cost? £8. Better than £40 for a new pcb!


  • Posts: 951
Re: Backpack motor or switch..?
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2009, 08:19:46 pm »
Hi Folks,

I use a Shurflo Backpack ALL the's, in my opinion!? THE best way for domestic window cleaning....................................................................................


The Shurflo Backpack is not robust enough to last for our purposes (probably Shurflo know this and thats why they won't extend the warranty for our use!!)

The problems I have found are:

1. The Chargers
    They are not good enough and tend to fail after a couple of months
    Go and get an auto-charger.  One that will stop when the battery is fully charged and trickle charge
    to keep the battery fully charged.

2. The Pump Motors.
    The pump itself seems to be OK, it's the motors that die.  Up to about 18 months ago Shurflo used a
    motor with bearings, they now use one with bushes and it starts to rattle after about 3 months
    constant use.
    Cleantech now use a vurtually same pump in thier new trolly.  It's a different make and has bearings
    in the motor.

2. The PCB
    This is good while it lasts.  But when it fails, everything stops!
    I have totally removed the PCB and just fitted a on/off switch!  Now it goes a treat and I have to
    work quicker.  It does tend to use up battery power but I have 6!! Batteries so I carry a spare
    When the battery runs down the Backpack doesn't just stop, just slows down so at least you
    can finnish of the job then replace the battery.
    I would like to see how the Maplins motor controler works out:

Not Perfect - But Honest