Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Lovely Lane, Warrington, Cheshire WA5 1QG. Email:
kelly.glover@nch.nhs.uk Tel: 01925 275239. Fax: 01925 662246https://www.supplying2nhs.com/procontract/healthservice/supplier.nsf/frm_opportunity?openForm&contract_id=CONTRACT-DNWC-7RAE5D&search_id=PLAN-SCHDNWC-7SVHB5&org_id=ORG-DNWC-7LWGBA&from= (Miss Kelly Glover)
Window Cleaning
Window Cleaning services for the awarding authority.
Contract start date: 01/08/2009
Contract end date: 31/07/2012
Contract Period: 36 (months)
Anticipated Extension Period: 12 (months)
Number of Anticipated Extensions: 1
Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance:
Not Provided.