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peter holley

customers arrrggghhh!
« on: June 17, 2009, 09:37:41 pm »
I called a customer tonight for access!

her... what exactly do you do?

me ...I clean the frames and sills and glass!

her ... yes , but what do you do?

me... what do you mean? :o

her... how do you clean them, as my husband was in last time and he said you were very quick and yiou left the windows wet!!

me ... yes thats right , I use a wfpole system , its quicker and safer and does a good job , but I have had to invest in this method,.... can i ask were your windows and frames clean?

her... yes but my husband says you werent here long
me ... I appreciate that we dont take long , but were the windows clean, and were you happy with the previouse cleans when you werent aware ot the method or time taken?

her ... yes, but you were very quick and you left the windows wet

me ... ok ... when you buy a product that is good and you happy with it, do you care how quickly it was made and how it was made?

her ... ok , il give you another chance...(said in a condasending tone)

me... I'm sorry , I'm very busy, I really  dont think we can do buisness together....I'v been a window cleaner for 17 years, I have every confidence in my service and standard of work....If you had called me a day or 2 later with a complaint about the standard of work I would have called back and cleaned them again for free.... but I really am humoured buy your reasoning , so I think wel call it a day!

THEY LIVE IN A NICE HOUSE,  he has a good job and is educated , as is she. he just didnt like me having £20 for 15 mins work....

now normally I would have been very apologetic and carried on cleaning her windows, but she was very condasending and spoke to me like a was a piece of poo, her tone of voice was really not very nice, and my reasoning made her feel very silly, which made her even more :P

anyway 5 mins later ,  a custie called for a gutter clean... £120... nice one ;D

Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2009, 09:41:07 pm »
her... how do you clean them

You... Ahh, now that would be telling  ;D


Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2009, 09:43:20 pm »
her... how do you clean them

You... Ahh, now that would be telling  ;D

Or - i dont

Her - what do you mean

you  - i dont clean them anymore hahaha screw you


If only we could...

Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2009, 09:44:17 pm »


peter holley

Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2009, 09:45:28 pm »
her... how do you clean them

You... Ahh, now that would be telling  ;D

Or - i dont

Her - what do you mean

you  - i dont clean them anymore hahaha screw you


If only we could...

lol.... ;D

elite mike

Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2009, 10:04:17 pm »
god what plonkers  modded  ;D

peter holley

Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2009, 11:11:52 pm »
the strange thing is when i first started doing the windows she was so pleased to find a reliable window cleaner and was pleased that the frames were cleaned as well ???

Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2009, 08:39:25 am »
I called a customer tonight for access!

her... what exactly do you do?

me ...I clean the frames and sills and glass!

her ... yes , but what do you do?

me... what do you mean? :o

her... how do you clean them, as my husband was in last time and he said you were very quick and yiou left the windows wet!!

me ... yes thats right , I use a wfpole system , its quicker and safer and does a good job , but I have had to invest in this method,.... can i ask were your windows and frames clean?

her... yes but my husband says you werent here long
me ... I appreciate that we dont take long , but were the windows clean, and were you happy with the previouse cleans when you werent aware ot the method or time taken?

her ... yes, but you were very quick and you left the windows wet

me ... ok ... when you buy a product that is good and you happy with it, do you care how quickly it was made and how it was made?

her ... ok , il give you another chance...(said in a condasending tone)

me... I'm sorry , I'm very busy, I really  dont think we can do buisness together....I'v been a window cleaner for 17 years, I have every confidence in my service and standard of work....If you had called me a day or 2 later with a complaint about the standard of work I would have called back and cleaned them again for free.... but I really am humoured buy your reasoning , so I think wel call it a day!

THEY LIVE IN A NICE HOUSE,  he has a good job and is educated , as is she. he just didnt like me having £20 for 15 mins work....

now normally I would have been very apologetic and carried on cleaning her windows, but she was very condasending and spoke to me like a was a piece of poo, her tone of voice was really not very nice, and my reasoning made her feel very silly, which made her even more :P

anyway 5 mins later ,  a custie called for a gutter clean... £120... nice one ;D

In spite of there being a recession, I still do believe that my business is OK due to the work I turn away sometimes.
A few days ago I was asked to quote a job.  Is there access around the back - I asked.
Yes - came the reply.
I went there and it was a terraced house.  It would have meant setting up twice as the back access had to be driven to.  I checked and there was a padlock on the back gate.  Recently, I have relenterd a bit and will text the night before as lomng as it isn't too many ogf them.  When I enquired, I was told that there is "always" someone in.  I don't know how you find this but I've always found this to be the kiss of death.  Apparently, "always in" somehow translates to "not in when the window cleaner visits".  Anyway, they agreed that calling the night before would take place.  Then they really threw the cat among the pigeons by stating that I would also have to state a time (within an hour) of when I would be there.
I declined the job.
If I took work like that on a regular basis, i would be running around all over the place and not earning.


  • Posts: 857
Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2009, 08:50:14 am »
or you could charge more to compensate.....
but they wont pay for bespoke service
EZclean - Cleaner Than Water

Ian Lancaster

  • Posts: 2811
Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2009, 10:40:40 am »
When I cleaned trad, I sometimes got the 'You only use one cloth, and you're not here five minutes' nonesense.

My standard reply was always: 'Are the windows clean?' to which the only honest answer was 'yes'

'So, if the windows are clean, then I've done my job and achieved the result you pay me for, so there's no reason for you not to pay me.  As to how I do them, that's my business, provided I achieve the result.  I'll rub them with the top of my head if I feel like it, but if after I've finished, they're clean, I've done my job and you have to pay me.'

That usually shut them up ;D

Mind you, a couple of cleans into the future they would always cancel, but then they were going to anyway, so at least I had the satisfaction of making them look stupid ;D ;D

Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2009, 11:20:31 am »
  I'll rub them with the top of my head if I feel like it, but if after I've finished, they're clean, I've done my job and you have to pay me.'

Thanks for that made me laugh like a drain. ;D


  • Posts: 857
Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2009, 11:56:32 am »
i sometimes say its my job, you'd be fast if you'd cleaned as many windows as i have.
EZclean - Cleaner Than Water

Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2009, 01:01:08 pm »
Thats GOOD!!

Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2009, 02:15:41 pm »
I have said to people in the past: 'if you had invested thousands to allow you to do your job faster would you expect to be paid less?'


  • Posts: 2561
Re: customers arrrggghhh!
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2009, 08:07:33 pm »
1st Bungalow I cleaned this morning the customer, a pleasant old dear came out cursing and swearing, telling me to F off and saying that she's reported me to the DHSS, the tax office and everything else. She swore blind I never telephoned last night for access this morning and so on and so on.

I kept calm and politely informed her I wouldn't be calling again, ever. Don't need grief like I had from her first thing in the morning from an old biddie who's completely lost her marbles since the previous time I cleaned for this sweet old lady. She's lost it and I've dropped her as a customer. Don't expect to get paid either. Better to save my reputation then pointlessly argue with her and resolve nothing.