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Nathanael Jones

  • Posts: 5596
Re: workers needed
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2009, 05:10:14 pm »
£300 for 36 hrs sounds ok IMHO.......  there are too many chiefs on CIU and not enough indians ;) ;)

Would you seriously work for £300 per week?

I would be hungry and on the street if that was all I got, and my lifestyle is far from extravagant! Take off VAT and tax and you're down even further,.. 72 hours a week and you might just break even!

Re: workers needed
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2009, 05:38:27 pm »
£100.00 for a twelve hour shift? All expenses paid (I assume meal, drink and accomodation)? Not a bad deal for someone who, as was mentioned previously, probably works through the week already. Lets face it, what do most of us do on a Sat or Sunday anyway besides sit on our arses or get over a hangover? You speak for yourself mate, I have a life and enjoy my weekends with my family. I can assure you even if I was "employed" it would take more than £8 ph to sacrifice that time.
Extra cash means doing extra work and if all gear provided and most of work involved using wfp I personally cant see where the problem is. I submit an invoice and I get paid in cash or cheque there and then at the end of my shift - wheres the grief? Id say its a situation that suits all concerned and to the doylem who said he'd want double that, well, its not you dealing with the running of the job, the tax, the insurance and the admin work involved pre and post job. If he cant at least offer double he has under priced the job by a long way, if you have your own business I thought you would have known thatIf you have your own business thought you would have realized that. Well I guess you do know that then
£100.00 to turn up and just graft with no other hassle?Maybe I'm getting old or maybe I've just got my life sorted better but "grafting" for 12 hours on a weekend, I'd say no that. Id say yeah to that.