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  • Posts: 3120
Re: Dealing with public
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2009, 09:53:51 pm »
intresting points everyone,

you probably right squeaky, trying to move house not much luck, also my daughters school routine will be changing autum, banked on the fact she'd be finishing at 4pm, found out 3pm :'(

i deal with school runs mon-wed 9-11.30.

drop little one off do a few houses pick up daughter, drop her at grandparents, pick her up again :P.

thurs-fri my mrs doesn't work so i'm left to crack on, but of course one of these days it pours with rain :'(

Sparklebright good idea put the prices up of akward ones, let em sack em self's ;D

I probably run my business as many on here work as much as poss mon-sat if the weather would let me, dodge around showers.
just seems enough money to pay bill's :'(
better than not enough ;)

Use to think self-employed people earnt a fourtune ???
Til i became one or am i missing something ::)

Thanks Lee
P.s i'l change my pic from fonzie to victor meldrew.
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.     - Aristotle

elite mike

Re: Dealing with public
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2009, 10:02:59 pm »
no keep it lee fonzys the man

Thanks Lee
P.s i'l change my pic from fonzie to victor meldrew.

just don't go breaking any more poles  ;D ;D