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« on: March 14, 2009, 07:34:01 am »
We have a had a few windy days here and I have found myself reverting to (trad)poles where I can, and by the sounds of it I will be doing the same today. My question is what sizes do you guys use and how do you get on with them.


  • Posts: 100
Re: (Trad)Poles
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2009, 08:13:01 am »
Hi  Im using a six inch and  twelve inh squeege on my extension pols  , I use them on windows i cant get to usually over a portch and still put a ladder up  to get as close as possible, working  on single down strokes and wiping the blade each time a pretty good finish can be achieved .  Put a cloth around the  squeege and  detail to finnish ,    Slow but  gets the job doneo

Re: (Trad)Poles
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2009, 11:30:43 am »
I don’t wipe the squeegee each time, just glass tap, and have a Unger clamp I attach to a second pole for detailing, also use vesa-versa where I can get the right angle. Its better than stopping when its windy weather, and keep you earning, but what length of pole do you use, I use a 7.5 meter triple, but would like to get the 9 meter version now I have a bigger vehicle. Also has anyone used an angle crank joint to manoeuvre round sills easier, and how do you find it.