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  • Posts: 134
northern ireland
« on: March 05, 2009, 06:55:25 pm »
few things
anybody from northern ireland going to the cleaning show

anyone been to one have you had to stay the night or could you go and get back in the same day

also we all know how to be window cleaners and do it right and safe in our own eyes but what have you done to do it right in the eyes of health and safety etc as in have you done any cousrses  got certificates and all that cause every course ive seemed to look into seems to be in england i want to do as much as i can to set myself appart from the rest and i dont seem to see a lot of help on offer over here am i wrong


  • Posts: 134
Re: northern ireland
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2009, 05:55:26 pm »
so does the lack of replys mean everyone is in the same boat as me or what


Re: northern ireland
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2009, 06:04:48 pm »
few things
anyone been to one have you had to stay the night or could you go and get back in the same day

It's probably possible using flights and hire cars to get to Birmingham and back to NI in the same day; but it would be a bit of a chore. 

I've flown from NI to GB and returned, many times, and it's probably best in my honest opinion if you spent the night in Birmingham and returned back to NI the next day.


  • Posts: 289
Re: northern ireland
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2009, 10:55:13 pm »
You can do british window cleaning academy courses at Dublin - which isn't too far to travel. Ryanair go Londonderry to Birmingham cheap  if thats anywhere near you. You could do it in a day, but I'd probably opt to stay overnight. I'm not going myself, I love to know if they do any cleaning shows in Northern Ireland though ever, anyone know???

vision tech

  • Posts: 235
Re: northern ireland
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2009, 11:27:53 pm »
Just checked with george best city airport ,
2 people going and coming home same day- £400
thats for tuesday 10th,
think i,ll give it a miss.
while im on ,is there anywhere in Ireland ,north or south that offers
a one day training course on wfp, and what would it cost.?
I started out with nothing......I still have most of it.