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gary evans

  • Posts: 1242
Seen previosly that some bigger wc firms have 1200 to 1600 properties plus do mainly commercial.

Interested in how this works for you & how you staff all this work & manage it.

Look forward to yor answers


ok cleaning

  • Posts: 649
i dont tink the people (fims)  you mention are in our forum they probably busy to clan windows now

gary evans

  • Posts: 1242
OK I dont think so its Sunday.

I,m only in cause i,ve got family round Monday.


kevin James

  • Posts: 343
I'm mainly domestic, 800 properties, but am lookng to commercial in January. Is guttervac & hi level pressure washing. I anticipate the commercial being easier to manage, apart from paperwork but even this will be from the cab using laptop & printer.
The domestics can be tricky to keep happy without good comms! I'm on 8 week intervals & may go to 9. This is rural terriotry & it's good to have them want you to come, especially with the times we live in.
At the mo, I'm pretty much on me own & could probably manage 1100 properties. If he commercial takes off, which I'm only doing for higher returns, then I'll get a friend or two to help with that.
