I guess alot of it comes down to the round you have.
The majority of mine have been on my round for years. I have picked up alot over the last 2 years but i think nothing of dropping if there is any sign of grief or not this time rubbish.
Quite a few never send a cheque but i know they will pay when i see them so i'm happy.
Macc, I also have custys who've I done for years...almost friends.
You obviously have a trusting nature towards your custsies...which is nice! I have a more cynical approach to mine.
Aside from the milkman I'm the easiest to not pay. Now if I get knocked for £20 then OK I can suffer it and move on...but £40?...I'll fret...be awake at 2am etc!
I just don't let it build up because i know the higher it gets the more it's gonna hurt custy to stump up and therefore the less likely I'll get paid.
As i say: No 2nd clean until 1st is settled.
Hi Simon. I wasn't having a pop at you mate. The way i see it my outstanding debt is about the same all the time. So really it was years ago i was out of pocket, i get in more or less my turnover each month.