I recently priced a commercial unit; the front of the place is full of glass; so to the manager, I priced it at £80 inside and out - every-other-month - but said I'd do the same place at £60, outside-only, with insides done three-times-per-year at no extra charge. His choice. I honestly thought that this job was 'in the bag' because I priced it so fairly.
Now I know the manager sociably; he runs in Wor Lasses running club; and we've had a few beers over the years together, we have a running club dinner night every year and we often bump into each other in our local Tescos and chat too. He knows I'm no 'vagabond-drug-taking window cleaner'.
Anyway, I told him I do the same commercial unit over the road for £124, every-other-month (a mirror image of his own business); so he was getting a 'mate rate', which he was.
... but he looked at me like I was ripping him off; I could tell by his wide-eyes when I said the price; and I promise, it was a fair price for the work involved.
He said he'd get back to me, but hasn't; I won't be chasing this one up either.
Wor Lass knows him better than I, and the local running club's nick-name for him is 'Nasty Nick' (because he's a bit of 'lad' when it comes to the 'ladies'; despite being married with two young children).
I guess to some people, even bright-educated types; we're still just worth the minimum wage.