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  • Posts: 954
prochem course
« on: November 04, 2008, 10:00:51 pm »
hi just attended my carpet cleaning course today.i found it very helpfull and well organized.i think the level of knowlege we can achieve in one day it's very impresive.i feel more confident now in my skills and also in my priceing.peter and phil are top guys .thanks a lot
although i try to understand how the pricing it better to charge per sq metre or per room size?i find it better per sq metre as u can achieve better prices and the customer can understand better how is how much will u carge per sq metre guys and how much will be with and without moving the furniture and will also include the vacccuming?i'm waiting for your opinions .thanks


Re: prochem course
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2008, 07:51:51 am »
Think its all down to experience as i charge per room and after time you will know roughly how long it will take and how much to charge :)

Sounds like you had a good day mate and you will now pick your skill in every job you do :)