I've recently taken on a largeish commercial unit in an industrial estate, and by sheer coincidence the industrial unit across the road is managed by a runner from Wor Lasses running club whose asked her for a quote (he's in the USA till next Tuesday), so we're quoting on Thursday.
Anyway, while I was there I noted the names of the other businesses in the immediate vicinity, googled for their phone numbers, and I pulled my finger out and phoned four of them this morning; I've been meaning to do this for ages.
I basically said that I am a local window cleaner and I've just taken on "company X" and have been also asked to quote for "company Y"; both of which are in your location.
Would you like a quote?
All of them said they had a window cleaner already - but they didn't rule us out - two said the guy you need to speak to isn't here till next week; told me their names (I asked); and said 'phone back'.
One lady said can you e-mail the guy you need to speak to (no problems), and the last said, 'Yes give us a quote; if you're cheaper than our current window cleaner, you might be in luck'.
It just makes me think how disloyal my current commercial customers could be!
What's your thoughts?