By their nature the tapered c/f poles need to spin slightly otherwise you will not be able to undo them. Some are having problems when using heavier tools like trying to twist a gutter accessory into place. You can add a lubricant spray to assist in undoing the poles but this may help to make them spin. If you dont use the spray you risk wearing the poles from the inside out.
For window cleaning spinning is not usually a problem, but you can get good leverage by simply push fitting them together but then the problem in constsant use is that they can lock and be almost impossible to undo. Lubicant will allow them to spin so one answer is to dry fit them together and use a simple pvc tape wrap around the contact postion of the lower pole section which will act as a butt stop and prevent the pole compressing but will still alow grip and undoing. The tape position is critical but can be removed and replaced to allow for carbon wear.
For those that use extension sections for gutter cleaning the answer maybe, one round of pvc tape over the joint to fasten each section to the next temporarily, as your probably only using a few sections therefore a few joints this will only take seconds to do. This will also help the joints from pulling apart at height which can be a risk if your working below :
Personally I prefer locked alu tubing which also saves you trying to retrieve tools from 30-40ft up.