I would certainly like to think that all the major TM suppliers in the UK are very well aware of limits on axles and would have calculated this into their engineering.
Mike, I was not referring to "American makers" being responsible.
So let me make my statement clearer - let me add the words "who fit" after "TM suppliers" so it now reads
I would certainly like to think that all the major TM suppliers WHO FIT in the UK are very well aware of limits on axles and would have calculated this into their engineering.
You just cant have a lump of metal and place it just anywhere. If axle weights are exceeded then the law is broken.
It doesnt take too much to do a calculation and with computers the job is made easier.
If someone sent a "lightweight" van down to HM and asked for a Titan to be fitted (assuming it would physically fit) but weight wise it would exceed the axle and gross loadings, do you think HM would take on the job?
I doubt it.
Thats what I meant.