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Re: pressure washing - transit van or trailer??
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2008, 10:30:05 pm »
Van for me - water tank onboard - leave machine in van and trail hoses to the job.
Generator bolted in to floor if power is required.
Currently looking at purchasing gutter vac and vehicle will able to accomodate
No issues regarding movement- just get a decent size van 

High roof - mwb- carry all your tools -  i can even load my ladders inside in roof space and extendable lances etc.

I have fitted additional locks and alarm and vehicle is sign written with a business card holder fitted to the side
Card holder  holds approx 40 business cards and i usually find by the end of each week 10 or more have been picked up.

Need to have chimney fitted to extract diesel fumes from hot box - but for now keep side door ajar.

Noticed on window cleaning forum - that the guys are taking pictures of there vehicles and posting.
