I always go with the bold headline "CARPETS SHOWING YOU UP? " You need to also get the point over that you eliminate dust mites, and other allergens. We leave your home healthier, not just cleaner!
We will only use eco friendly cleaning solutions in your home. We are fully industry trained and insured.
I know not everyone will agree with me but i put my AVERAGE PRICES on all adverts this filters out a lot of timewasters and since we srarted doing this 2 years ago we have been busy most of the time.
Shaun is right remove the picture of the van and get a pic of yourself, let people know who they are dealing with.
I think that if an advert is full of text some people wont be bothered to read it, if the print is too small the older customers wont be able to read it. These are 50% of people who read the local papers.
" BIGGER TEXT, LESS OF IT" some good advice i was once given on a marketing course. you need to get them hooked on the headline by asking them a question.
Neil what stain protector do you use?
Good luck Mark