I have no idea what the make of the brush is, Peter would certainly tell you, I'm pretty sure that it is just a lightweight sweeping brush head, it isn't a custom made WFP brush head.
I might be doing Peter a grave miss-justice there, but I am sure he converts them himself.
I really haven't had a problem with it at all, at one point I was going to get another brushead, perhaps a 10 inch or 14 inch one.
I was going to go for one of the 'multi-filament' ones, but I understand that they become contanimated more easily.
I wouldn't mind a longer bristled one, I saw a guy using wFP a couple of years ago and I did notice that the bristles of his brush were quite long. Unfortunately he has since moved out of the area, and as I wasn't looking into WFP at the time (his was a full trailer system that cost him 8 grand or so somewhere between 3 and 4 years ago, ergo, way too expensive for me at that time
) I never knew what make of system his was.