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Help with Contract Cleaning tenders
« on: August 11, 2003, 06:05:20 pm »
hi, i have recently started a Cleaning Services Business and was looking for some advice on ways to go about Tendering for Cleaning Contracts? Thanks


Re: Help with Contract Cleaning tenders
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2003, 11:50:56 pm »
Hi Mr. Gleam,

I am hopefully going to get a cleaning contract soon.  Therefore, I need to offer an attractive price, so I know how you feel.

I think the best way is to do some market research.

For example, phone round building firms, offices and blocks of flats maybe to get a feel for how much they pay out.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,



Re: Help with Contract Cleaning tenders
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2003, 01:04:51 am »

 Do you have a Buisness Profile? if so, start by dropping these of at  local buisness"s these will show what you are able to provide to a potential client, good luck         Anj


  • Posts: 824
Re: Help with Contract Cleaning tenders
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2003, 03:30:09 pm »
Hi Mr Gleam

Once you have done your sales calls and been included in the tender the client will usually send you a pack with what they would like included in the tender.

This normally consists of Company profile, Schedule of Works, Insurance documents, Health & Safety, quotation etc.

Once you have got all of these formats on your PC you just need to tweak them each time to suit the client.
