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  • Posts: 884
Life of grime day 3
« on: March 06, 2008, 10:40:46 am »
Well, all done.  No posting last night.  Too much wine with tea and fell asleep in front of the telly.   ;D

All sorted in the end and on time.
 Funnily enough we both ( the wife and I) enjoyed doing this job, despite the poo etc.  With all the ppe on there was no smell and it wasn't all that bad at all.  I think we will be looking into some training in this field. 
here are a few before and afters if anyone is interested.   

many thanks to everyone that helped and advised us on this job, I really do appreciate the imput.
Veni, vidi, vino, splatus.

 (I came, I saw, I drank, I fell over...)


  • Posts: 884
Re: Life of grime day 3
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2008, 10:43:02 am »
300 wine bottles late
Veni, vidi, vino, splatus.

 (I came, I saw, I drank, I fell over...)


  • Posts: 884
Re: Life of grime day 3
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2008, 10:45:30 am »
Veni, vidi, vino, splatus.

 (I came, I saw, I drank, I fell over...)


  • Posts: 190
Re: Life of grime day 3
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2008, 03:04:46 pm »
Well done Both look like you done a great job their, as for the smell not being too bad when you get round to doing a full bio your never forget the smell despite the best of ppe equipment, tis a good achievement when you finish and even better when that piece of paper comes through your letter box  :)
Cleaning for a living

John Kelly

  • Posts: 4461
Re: Life of grime day 3
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2008, 03:05:43 pm »
Cracking job, bet you enjoyed your shower after spending a day in there. We did one a few years back similar. There had been a fire and the lodger was killed upstairs. The owner of the house was disabled and lived downstairs. There was no downstairs toilet. A shower had been rigged up in the kitchen right next to the gas cooker and with a plastic curtain, although this was not the cause of the fire it was waiting to happen.
The owner also had a dog which didn't go out. You can imagine...


  • Posts: 884
Re: Life of grime day 3
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2008, 03:14:15 pm »
the chap who arranged the clean on behalf of the owner wants us to go back soon and discuss where to go with it now, carpets, decorating etc.  This may be an ongoing job.  He was really pleased with what we had done which is always a bonus ;D 

But the shower has been really busy this week.  Instead of one a week its been 1 a day ;D ;D ;D  I have never been so hygenic. ;) ;)

Funnily enough.  The house next door to this one had a crew in there doing a clean-up after a fire.  Mostly smoke damage.    They were always out by there van  moaning about smelling of smoke.  They smelt like roses compared to us I'm sure. ;D

Veni, vidi, vino, splatus.

 (I came, I saw, I drank, I fell over...)


  • Posts: 187
Re: Life of grime day 3
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2008, 04:12:43 pm »
Well done

I have been following this thread with much interest. The pictures highlight what a good job you have done.

Without giving any £ figures away I would be very interested in how your actual hours compared with your estimated hours, actual materials etc versus estimated materials

Would also be interesting to find out how much your client would have been prepared to pay (what was his alternative ? do it himself ??? ::)

You said somebody elses price was 3 times yours. So if for example your price was £1000 versus £3000, how would he have responded to £1500 / £2000 / £2500

Are you still happy with the price you charged ?

Do you think you could have done the same job with staff ? ie not you and missus

What would you do differently next time

Look forward to your feedback and once again thanks for keeping us informed on this saga.



  • Posts: 71
Re: Life of grime day 3
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2008, 05:50:40 pm »
go on tell us where you bought the bath from  ;D ;D ;D


  • Posts: 884
Re: Life of grime day 3
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2008, 12:16:44 pm »
Everyone who has seen these pics ask how much the bog and bath cost. lol.  I will price some up next time but these are the originals I promise.    ;D

Basically Mick.   
I over estimated everything.  Materials and man hours.   I estimated that we would need to work 8-9 hour days to complete the job in the 3 days I had quoted for.  In reality, Day one, 6 hrs.  Day two, 5 hrs and day three 5 hrs.  Day three we had to hang around for the customer to turn up so could have been in and out in 3-4 hrs I recon.    we wasted a lot of time with the loo on day 1 and 2,   material wise, again I over estimated but what we didnt use I have for the next one so no probs there. 

I still beleive that we could have charged double and still got the job.  The nephew of the owner of the property wanted to pay the other firm that put the huge quote in.  The friend of the owner wanted a second opinion, that is how we got to quote.  At the end of the day we were happy with the price we put in but who wouldnt want twice the amount of money for the same amount of work?? ;)    This being our first extreme clean we worked out our material costs then decided on a decent hourly rate per person and that is how we came up with our price.    After looking into this line of work we now realise that other firms do charge a much higher hourly rate.  But hey, we have all got to start somewhere. :)

Not being a huge firm the staff is me and the mrs.  We have a chap who works for us on larger projects but not all the time.  So I cant really answer that question.

Next time I would check out the toilet first.  That could have really taken all the profit from the job.  because of some bad building work, the extension was built ontop of the man hole we needed. ( according to the drain man!) the only way to tackle it was from inside the property.  We wasted alot of day 1 and 2 trying to rod it etc where as if we had got the chap in straight away it could have been done in 10 mins.  leaving the 2 of us to crack on else where.  Next time I think the best way would be to remove the bog and get a drain man in straight away.

I was lucky that the customers was willing to cover the extra charge. 

I hope this has answered some of your questions.     

Veni, vidi, vino, splatus.

 (I came, I saw, I drank, I fell over...)

The Great One

  • Posts: 12673
Re: Life of grime day 3
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2008, 02:36:22 pm »

Ant, well done.

A baptism of fire for you guys.

It can be very profitable and you have already learnt from mistakes on this job what to do next time. As you do each job, you establish a routine and get done quicker your houirly rate will increase.

I do a lot of student lets and now into a routine with what to check and where to start. Maybe invest in a steam cleaner, £80 in Argus, around £30 on ebay. The steam cleaner saves a lot of time on kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms.

Basicaly I go in, dust and de cobweb all rooms, then steam skirtings, wipe down, seam windows and ledges, wipe down and go round like that, saves heaps of time and cuts down on actual manual scrubbing, you expend less energy and increase the amount of work in less time.


Martin 8)


  • Posts: 884
Re: Life of grime day 3
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2008, 03:21:24 pm »
good idea martin, thanks
Veni, vidi, vino, splatus.

 (I came, I saw, I drank, I fell over...)


  • Posts: 465
Re: Life of grime day 3
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2008, 05:04:33 pm »
Love the fact that theres a Dove soap container sitting on the bath in the "before" picture.

Not like it got used ;D