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Grafters Cleaning Services

  • Posts: 1287
lost and replaced jobs
« on: February 20, 2008, 07:38:36 pm »
There has been a few threads lately about people losing work (as we all do from time to time) and getting a bit disheartened by it so I thought I would share my experiences on how I deal with it.
Firstly there are several reasons why customers drop you namely
bad workmanship (which I’m sure is very rare in most cases)
and the worst one, death
if I lose a job say it’s a £10 one I then take the mental attitude that by the end of the week I will get 2 more to replace it @ £10 jobs therefore being £10 up , using this system I have never failed to reach my goal.

Today for example and old lady who lives in a small terrace house (1 top and 1 bottom window) only a £5 job apologised to me saying that as her rent and the cost of living has gone up but not her pension she can no longer afford me. I will miss her and the coffee, infact next month I may even do her a freebee as I do like the sweet old dear.

So, not  being the kind of guy to be disheartened I  finished early enough in that area to do some more canvassing (rather than move on to my next area or go home as I would normally)
After a bit of door knocking I came away with 7 more jobs so as I was now in the mood when I got home I went out between 4.30 – 5.15pm and canvassed another £54 worth of work for my son’s round.
So guys don’t be put off by a cancellation, don’t take it personally, be positive, do more door knocking and see the results.
From Southampton


  • Posts: 25987
Re: lost and replaced jobs
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 08:14:04 pm »
That's the spirit!
It's a game of three halves!

Ian Rochester

  • Posts: 2588
Re: lost and replaced jobs
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 08:25:16 pm »
This is the best time of the year to go out door knocking, a lot of customers haven't seen their regular window cleaners since before christmas or longer and are desperate for their windows to be cleaned.

So if you are ignoring your customers because it's getting cold outside, be prepared to have them tell you they've found someone else.

Just bought all my lot new woolie hats, sweatshirts, fleeces and waterproof jackets so they've got no excuses.

M & C Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 1583
Re: lost and replaced jobs
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2008, 08:27:11 pm »
Similar thing happened to me the other day too. Lost an old faithful but by the end of the day I'd picked up another two by doing something similar. I called on a couple of old customers who I'd lost years ago for finantial reasons. Their circumstances had changed and we were back in business with better prices.

Wayne Thomas

Re: lost and replaced jobs
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2008, 08:55:26 pm »
Ideal time of year to be picking up the extra work as the sun is low. Lost a custie yesterday and picked up two bigger ones today.


Re: lost and replaced jobs
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2008, 05:24:18 pm »
I've lost a few commercial accounts recently, which I really liked.

A £40 pub that took an hour (lost due to change of ownership and massive refurbishment).

A £35 pub that took 30 minutes (lost due to change of ownership).

A £15 Itallian restaurant that took 15 minutes, once a week, (I think they're struggling; their windows are now filthy).

And my best job is on the line due to the owners being made bankcrupt; (really bad news for them since one has lost his house (it was part of the business and I know baliffs and a locksmith was involved; you can guess the rest) and his car has been repossessed); I've only still got the job because a 'caretaking company' is now running the business; appointed by the courts; to manage the business till they find a buyer; and the new manager wants the place looking smart.

Anyway, I'm down a fair whack on what I considered 'easy - quick paying - work', and my best job could be lost shortly too.


simon knight

Re: lost and replaced jobs
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2008, 05:41:31 pm »

I've lost 1 or 2 recently. The reason given was: Money's tight and we're having to give up on luxuries.

There simply is no reply to that.

I'm still about 2 weeks behind so I'll worry about finding new custys when I'm up to date.

Paul Coleman

Re: lost and replaced jobs
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2008, 07:05:58 pm »
I've lost a few commercial accounts recently, which I really liked.

A £40 pub that took an hour (lost due to change of ownership and massive refurbishment).

A £35 pub that took 30 minutes (lost due to change of ownership).

A £15 Itallian restaurant that took 15 minutes, once a week, (I think they're struggling; their windows are now filthy).

And my best job is on the line due to the owners being made bankcrupt; (really bad news for them since one has lost his house (it was part of the business and I know baliffs and a locksmith was involved; you can guess the rest) and his car has been repossessed); I've only still got the job because a 'caretaking company' is now running the business; appointed by the courts; to manage the business till they find a buyer; and the new manager wants the place looking smart.

Anyway, I'm down a fair whack on what I considered 'easy - quick paying - work', and my best job could be lost shortly too.


I worked for a company for two years under caretakership (I believe this is what is called receivership).  If it is the setup that I think it is, I believe that any work you do for them after the appointment was made is a guaranteed payment.  If you were owed anything beforehand, you are only likely to see a small percentage of it eventually - if anything at all.

Paul Coleman

Re: lost and replaced jobs
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2008, 07:12:04 pm »
I've lost a few commercial accounts recently, which I really liked.

A £40 pub that took an hour (lost due to change of ownership and massive refurbishment).

A £35 pub that took 30 minutes (lost due to change of ownership).

A £15 Itallian restaurant that took 15 minutes, once a week, (I think they're struggling; their windows are now filthy).

And my best job is on the line due to the owners being made bankcrupt; (really bad news for them since one has lost his house (it was part of the business and I know baliffs and a locksmith was involved; you can guess the rest) and his car has been repossessed); I've only still got the job because a 'caretaking company' is now running the business; appointed by the courts; to manage the business till they find a buyer; and the new manager wants the place looking smart.

Anyway, I'm down a fair whack on what I considered 'easy - quick paying - work', and my best job could be lost shortly too.


I don't doubt that I will start losing a few at some point but recently, I have been getting at least one new enquiry per day.  I'm converting about 60% of them.  I had one yesterday tell me the maximum she was prepared to pay (which happened to be the same as my minimum charge).  I don't like someone trying to restrict the price before I've even met them but at least we are talking about the same amount.


  • Posts: 25987
Re: lost and replaced jobs
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2008, 08:50:13 pm »
I've lost a few commercial accounts recently, which I really liked.


Funnily enough I've just picked up a few commercial by going a bit further afield. I've picked up some work in Chepstow where, and I quote "I'm-a fed up-a with that-a Geordie-Japanese-a Kentoshi bloke! He clean-a my windows-a, I pay heem loadsa euro and he do crapp-a job!"

It means I have to cross the bridge but at least I get to meet real window cleaners like Roger and Ian as well! ;D

BTW - Only joking Tosh! Bad luck with those jobs - I reckon a few businesses are struggling at the mo'. But keep going ... true story time:-

Last Sept I called on a new warehouse build and got told come back in the new year when it's finished and last week I knocked on the door and cheekily told the facilities manager I could read the grafitti written in his front door from twenty yards away! (Someone had written "Toxic Towers"  ;D) He phoned me next day and I got the job.

So there's still stuff out there to get!
It's a game of three halves!

Re: lost and replaced jobs
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2008, 10:04:14 pm »
I havent lost any jobs but a couple have asked me to go over to 2 monthly. Lets face it when times get hard its the w/c that is 1st to go its just fact. Hope I dont loose any big jobs.


Re: lost and replaced jobs
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2008, 10:20:05 pm »
Oh, and yesturday, I caught a window cleaner cleaning a house that 'sacked me', two months ago without an explanation.

He did look a bit nervous when I pulled up in my car; he knew the score!  I do most of the other houses in the street.

It did make me laugh; the look on his face; but I was nice, as usuall.

Re: lost and replaced jobs
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2008, 08:27:51 am »
I went to clean a customer I have had for over 10 years. Started as normal no probs when the owner walks up the drive and tells me that they had a w/c come round just last week. When I asked him why he let him clean them when I have been so regular he said that they didnt want him to but when they said that they already had a w/c he said that he was doing it on my behalf. They said that if he turns up again then they will send him off.
I'm annoyed because theres no harm in canversing for work but to do that to a fellow w/c just aint on.
