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  • Posts: 6180
Re: New customers slowing down
« Reply #40 on: February 05, 2008, 09:14:16 pm »
Do you think it might just be you ? Only kidding gaz you might want to look at different areas for advertising remember "work smarter not harder " ....I hate that quote but over the years I have come to realise its true . I know a lot wc/s over 20 years or so . If you are getting fed up and want a chat you know where I am .


  • Posts: 6180
Re: New customers slowing down
« Reply #41 on: February 05, 2008, 09:17:03 pm »
lol, dont, you will get me paranoid,

thanks for the offer of chat, you sound like you know me lol....

no really, i was on a downer after working hard after xmas for new customers, but feel better now,  ;)


Re: New customers slowing down
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2008, 08:24:25 am »
New business always comes in fits and starts and it is really depressing when you are on a down patch. There is nothing worse than going out on a Saturday for four hours leafletting or canvassing and getting nothing. But it does happen.


Re: New customers slowing down New
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2008, 08:35:15 am »
£150.00 since New Year, from advertising in the local Parish Mag and the local shop.

Not only pleased as its new regular work but also because its the result of effort and motivation.

I need more work I think, although Im behind at the mo, having gone WFP I'll be caught up before long hopefully.


Matt, who did you have to contact to advertise is your local parish mag, as It's something worth looking at for me i think, as you're not the 1st person on here  I have heard has had much success from advertising in them.



Sorry for not replying before.

Funny you should ask, it was one of my custys who just asked if I did, I think shes part of the local Parish gettogetherclub (whatever its called); Ive seen her with the local bods clenaing out the pond down the road and setting up the Christmas lights outside the Methodist Church.

I had to wait a couple of months before the next 6-month advertsing run was organised.  It costs £6.00 a month for a black and white ad and £12.00 a month for colour. I went for black and white and glad I did as they have all the colour ones grouped on one page, its too garish as all the different colour ads combine together to just make you want to turn the page, thus losing the effect of advertising.

In the first week I collared a £70.00 gutter and fascia clean from it and she already had a window-cleaner, so that paid for the next 6 months with half left over, since then Id say Ive picked up about £50.00 a month from it (about, I think) but since the new year its picked up.

Some venue will sell local Parish Mags, find out where and go get one, itll have contact details in the front of it.
