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  • Posts: 354
Airlocks what are they? How to fix them
« on: January 21, 2008, 07:26:18 pm »
What exactly is an airlock? If you can get airlocks on van mounts how do you get rid of them. Never had one yet in all of 2.5months( ;D) so if and when i do will need to know what to do????? Thanks chaps.

Re: Airlocks what are they? How to fix them
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2008, 07:32:51 pm »
What exactly is an airlock? If you can get airlocks on van mounts how do you get rid of them. Never had one yet in all of 2.5months( ;D) so if and when i do will need to know what to do????? Thanks chaps.
an air lock is a bubble of air trapped within your system, this can happen from an unsecure fitting thast is letting in air, same happens or central heating systems a rad will go cold if there is an air lock, you bleed/open valves and release the trapped air.
on a system you would do the same and check all connection for air leaks if it comes out in can go in, 1 drip from a house can put air in.
