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  • Posts: 125
Re: how many jets
« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2007, 10:03:12 pm »

You say your wand uses a 'fan jet' implying that this is different from other wand jets.  Don't all standard wands use 'fan jets' in one size or the other?


  • Posts: 11382
Re: how many jets
« Reply #41 on: December 06, 2007, 10:03:26 pm »
Shut up Pete, just get out of the way!

Bullets flying



Re: how many jets
« Reply #42 on: December 06, 2007, 10:13:04 pm »
Shut up Pete, just get out of the way!

Bullets flying

but I'm a rootin tootin cowboy too (just not very good at it)


  • Posts: 11382
Re: how many jets
« Reply #43 on: December 06, 2007, 10:36:09 pm »
go on then sing Raw Hide a dare ya!


Alan Brooker. Aqualink Carpet Care

  • Posts: 489
Re: how many jets
« Reply #44 on: December 06, 2007, 11:18:44 pm »
Pete, Dave, someone - is Shaun on a massive downer or something? What exactly have I said other than my initial comment that Shaun has got so up in the air about?
Experience does not qualify as Knowledge and Understanding.
Understand how and why and you'll produce great results.

IICRC, Woolsafe, Fenice & LTT trained.
Member of Eco Carpet Care, NCCA & Woolsafe.

Jeff Lydon/Greenie

  • Posts: 61
Re: how many jets
« Reply #45 on: December 07, 2007, 01:51:55 am »
The more jets there are, the closer thay can be to the carpet.

The closer the jets to the carpet, so the lower the height of the tool (great for working under low furnishings).

The closer they are to the carpet, the less distance the pressurised water has to travel.

The less distance the water has to travel, the less energy there is lost.

The less energy lost, the greater the impact and shearing properties of the water on the soil.

The less distance the water has to travel, the less is the heat loss.

There will always be advantages and disadvantages with all configurations of wands.

Safe and happy cleaning :)

Thank you Ken!

I was about to pop a blood vessel with the mis-information being posted.
I won't even address the cold water stuff, heat is always better.

And who was it that said that roto-wash FloodJet was 2" off the carpet, looks more like 4 or 5" to me.  With a standard 128º spray angle that might 40 psi.

I notice nobody mnetioned that these "worn out" single jet wands are probably putting out twice teh volume of water as when new...twice the water can mean a better clean...especially if compared to a 4 jet with very small jets in the first place.

Show me a high flow wand with steeply angled jets 1" off the carpet and 500 psi and I'll show you a cleaning and drying demon....of course it will have a glide.

I can't beleive we're having this discussion, over on Truckmounters this was covered ages ago.

Alan Brooker. Aqualink Carpet Care

  • Posts: 489
Re: how many jets
« Reply #46 on: December 07, 2007, 08:10:00 am »
Amen brother
Experience does not qualify as Knowledge and Understanding.
Understand how and why and you'll produce great results.

IICRC, Woolsafe, Fenice & LTT trained.
Member of Eco Carpet Care, NCCA & Woolsafe.

Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: how many jets
« Reply #47 on: December 07, 2007, 08:19:44 am »
Hi Guys

Can we stop the bitching and concentrate on the technicalities.

The 'I'm a better carpet cleaner than you' has no place on this forum.



John Kelly

  • Posts: 4461
Re: how many jets
« Reply #48 on: December 07, 2007, 08:57:09 am »
Anyone who's done pressure washing will know that moving the jet of water closer to the surface being cleaning dramatically increases the cleaning power.
This backs up Kens explanation of the water losing energy the further it has to travel, even a few centimetres.
Therefore it seems likely if you rely on the wand to do the cleaning, use detergent in the tank, high pressure as close to the fibres as possible is going to be more effective.
However if you use a pre-spray and agitation then this may not be so critical as the dirt is already loosened and held in suspension and just needs flushing out.
Vernon Purcell has designed a wand, unfortunately not in production yet, where the jets (2) face forward almost parallel to the carpet surface. The idea being that the water slices through the pile rather than down into it very similar to CFR principle. This is very low profile and worked brilliantly when I tested it.

elliott cleaning

  • Posts: 778
Re: how many jets
« Reply #49 on: December 07, 2007, 11:11:39 pm »
If Vernon Purcell has designed a wand as described but is not in production, you should look at this Jeff Lydon guy who posted above. Apparently he does a wand which picks up the principle of the jet angle. Understand his is in production and available