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John Kelly

  • Posts: 4461
Re: carpet cleaners northumberland area
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2007, 07:50:52 am »
Bill, I don't know what market you work in but I can assure you there are many carpet cleaners in our area who are making a very good living. Most of these are charging realistic prices such as at least £100 for a suite.
If you are finding your customers are reluctant to pay then you are chasing the wrong market.

carpet guy

Re: carpet cleaners northumberland area
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2007, 04:36:11 pm »
A bit difficult trying to figure out what you actually do and what you would like to do !  People are much the same anywhere you look in the UK,  in terms of marketing mix, but  targeting the wrong sector in Inverness, will get the same result as targeting the wrong sector in Somerset.

Rather than keep trying something different, focussing your energies on something that works and gives a return, will, if marketed aggressively, be successful.

To be successful in this business, in the supply side , would swallow £10k in no time at all.