Hi Paul
First thing you have to realise is that Amtico is
not a real wood floor.I know it looks like one but thats whats its supposed to do
Secondly it is much more expensive than a real wood floor starting at about £33 a sq mt so you don't want to make any mistakes with it.
Its easy to clean though, if done correctly. You can use Johnsons floor products or Amtico own as Johnsons supply Amtico with their products you can't go wrong with either.
Apply dressing remover by mop allow 5-10 minutes contact time then pad off using a green 3m pad and then a wet pick up for the slurry (which must not be allowed to dry or it can stain the floor).You must rinse the floor with fresh water after at least twice and allow to dry.
When cleaned back to a neutral condition you can apply 2-3 coats of dressing using a mop in figure of 8 keeping it even.(never use the same mop and bucket for washing/stripping as for applying the dressing)
I use terry towels dipped in dressing put my knee pads on and get down and apply it by hand to make sure it a nice even coat.
remember to remove you shoes otherwise you leave a nice print in the dressing and have to start again