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  • Posts: 5855
Anyone any Idea's on this Experiment?? New
« on: September 01, 2007, 03:52:18 pm »
Hi Guy's

Been out in my den having a clean up, and salvaged this compressor regulator from my old compressor
Now I was thinking, as I use compressor fittings (as many of us do) from my hose to my pole, I was wondering if it could be used to regulate the water flow to the brush head by fitting it to the outlet side of the pump and used in conjunction with our on/off Taps at our pole.
Its mainly for the guy's who don't use electronic controllers and just feed it back to the tank, at least this way you can control the flow to your brush and save water.

I can't test it this weekend, or I'll have to cannibalize my fittings from my poles, so I'll wait until Monday when my supplier is open.

I don't need it as I have my varistream, but it would be nice to have fitted just in case I do get a problem, or even for anyone who does not have an electronic control device.
These controllers sell for around £30 so half the price of an electronic one.

Anyone any thoughts or can anyone see any problems with this idea.